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    MZ-R37, MZ-N510, MZ-N910, MZ-NH600, MZ-NH700, MZ-RH10

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  1. Very good question. The most common Problem is, when you try to Record Music on such a dirty Disc because the Magnetic Head comes in contact with the Dust and creates white Outlines all over the Upper Side. Are there any Tips on how to clean the surface of the Minidisk without damaging it? I tried Q-Tips with Isopropyl Alcohol in the past, which helped, but left some tiny scratches on the upper Side.
  2. OK, thanks for clearing that up. Now i know what to look for.
  3. @sfbp : Is it necessary that the Hi-MD must be Brand new or is it enough to use a used one which was erased before the Procedure?
  4. @sfbp: Thanks a million! I will look out for them and let you know!
  5. @sfbp : Thanks so much for your valuable Input! Are a Prerecorded and a Hi-MD Disc really necessary? Unfortunately, i don't have any at the Moment.
  6. I did but, there is no proper Documentation to how to Calibrate the Device.
  7. Hello everyone, i just bought a Bulk of MiniDisc Stuff over eBay and the Package came with a nearly mint MZ-NH700. However, powering Up, it brings the Error Code "ERROR EE". After some quick research, i found out the previous Owner perhaps reset the Device over the Service Mode and now it needs re-calibration. Is there a Guide or Tutorial how to this, if even possible? Thanks all for your Time! Greetings, McLovinGR
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