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  1. Check this: http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/FAQ/FA...0&m=NW-E407 Then click trouble shooting. There you should find this sentence: "If FAT or RAW is displayed in File System, your WALKMAN is correctly formatted." But still, you won't find there any solution to your problem... Did you try to format it using Sonic stage?
  2. My player is formatted in FAT and I heard that It shouldn't be formatted in Fat32.
  3. I had the same poblem with my nw-e107. I hope that my solution will help you... So: - check manually properties of your device, if it uses format fat or raw (propably), then everything is fine (if not ,try to format it again) - remove the cable - use format option from your flash player (it should be in menu options) - plug it to usb cable - check how does it work You can also try to delete all tracks using sonic stage (I did it after 1 point - but propably it doesn't matter) and later format it manually. Regards from Poland
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