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Everything posted by LG1

  1. Here is another review http://en.akihabaranews.com/71884/review/review-sony-walkman-s755
  2. You can go through windows explorer or try the many syncing apps on the market
  3. I have the S618 and in some ways it is better than the X-Series as i do find it more usable, all i wanted was one with an fm transmiter sigh
  4. its not useless for me, sometimes it takes 5 min sometimes 5 hrs. But always has lots of music and stuff they i have never heard. I never thought about the pause on the X-Series. But if there was a 64GB X-Series would you get that above the A-Series, or is the battery life not good enough for you. I use the tactile keys at the top
  5. May i ask why you sold the X-Series? What does the A-Series offer that the X-Series didnt (WIFI, Slacker, Web & Podcasts)
  6. How are they following, to follow you actually have to bring innovations of your competitors They are just like a dead horse, staggering along cant even be bothered copying features except for the useless coverflow which i would have prefered they didnt do as it makes the device slower(album art display is slow).
  7. My patience is waning, this is nothing new or interesting. How does this really differ for the current A840 that i can get. The only unique player was the American X Series that included Slacker. Give me DAB+ or FM Transmitter or something to sweeten the deal. MP3 players are a dying bread when you consider phones with OLED screens last a long time and offer a lot of music features. Nokia makes noise cancelling earphones also which can be used with an device. I used to love Walkmans, but they have lost there wow factor and the X-Series might be my last walkman if things dont improve, that is the sad truth
  8. It was two months ago, i would still get it, just update the firmware its no drama. It doesnt format or anything, just run the exe and wait.
  9. I just bought it from B&H comes with 1.0 but easy to update, you dont really need to update because the web browser is a waste of space. But slacker is a god send
  10. LG1

    New E-Series

    http://www.sony.co.uk/product/nws-e-series/nwz-e455 Here is your next news story Christopher http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/16/sony-walkman-nwz-e450-does-karaoke-we-go-hands-on-video/
  11. i think you know the answer to that, i live in hope I want a walkman like the aino phone that has remote play or has android just something nicer, as i have never been a fan of sony ericson
  12. Come on sony, now just release a new X Series, i know you can do it!
  13. LG1


    yeh, it converted it for me. Just use drag and drop (windows explorer)
  14. He is saying that the x-series technically has better sound but the A-series is warmer and might have a better feel to it. Maybe he means for upbeat music or something the A-Series is better. But the main point of the whole review is get your head out sony, lower your prices! Bring new features that people want, nobody wants an mp3 player that has features like its from 2005
  15. Here is a meaty review for your enjoyment http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mobile-review.com%2Fmp3%2Freview%2Fsony-a845.shtml&sl=auto&tl=en
  16. Manual is out http://support.sony-europe.com/dna/wm/nwvp/nwvp.aspx?site=odw_en_GB&m=NWZ-A846
  17. Funny how pulse said $399 now its $369 still much much much too expensive.
  18. I wish i could create the 64gb model out of thin air but i dont have that power sorry
  19. LG1

    ces 2010

    I think apps and stuff are the future, zune has apps. If sony can make it so there is downloadable content on the walkman it will go far, eg music store as sony has a big catalouge.
  20. it can do everything the x-series can do but doesnt have s master amp. Can change background and themes SQ is comparable to the X-Series
  21. More news!!! Sony Australia hides NWZ-A84x info in plain sight http://www.sony.com.au/support/faq/299049/productcategory/pa+mp3+walkman/nomodel
  22. Nothing to see here, thats just the new S-Series, been on the AU site also, and on the sony-asia site for awhile
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