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  1. microdrives are Class II compact flash, a normal compact flash should fit and function aslong as it supports the PIO and DMA modes of the microdrive, a 32gb A1000 could be cool,
  2. actually, you are correct, the plug is different and the newer drives will not work, i am currently exploring the possibility of making a 32gb flash NW-HD5 using a compact flash card, which i belive have the same connector
  3. sony allready has 3 widescreen "walkman´s" the PSP, and those 2 flash players which are chinese market only, becuase its content division wont let them sell it on areas where they still think they have a market
  4. Aevum

    New Walkmans (NWZ Series)

    they run linux ? and the source code is released under GPL ?, im seeing costum firmware soon enough...
  5. whatever headphones come with it, the first thing you should do while getting a with the sound quality of the sony, oy 90% of quality daps out there, is TROW AWAY THE BUNDLED BUDS, get decent earphones, a pair of EP630 or Koss KCS75 arent that expencive,
  6. can someone confirm non WMP drag and drop for non DRM mp3 and WMA files ? i mean just dump them there trough explorer or any other file manager,
  7. theres a thread regarding harddrive replacement and upgrade for the NW-HD5 including the toshiba drive used in the player, http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3301 we currently dont have a clear idea of if the drive in question, the MK4009GDL should work or not, the original player used the MK2007GAL drive, which is a 20GB 1.8" 5mm high drive,
  8. Aevum

    Do I have to Initialize?

    get mp3fm, i abandoned sonicstage along time ago, its not worth using, mp3fm is under a meg and installs in the player, i allready used it to load music at a friends house, it just dosnt allow uloading
  9. unless you want to mod the case to allow for the extra platter, then i suspect it wont fit, the differance between the GAH and GAL models is the number of platters in the harddrive, thats also why the GAL are more expencive and usualy around half the size, the GAL models are single platter, meaning that it has to be 1x20gb or 1x30gb or 1x40gb, meaning that a 40GB GAL would be more expencive then a 40GB GAH becuase more expencive higher density platters have to be used, another thing we should worry about is thattowards the end of this year, most harddrive manufacturers are ceasing IDE based drive manufacture, that means if you want to upgrade your HD5, do so quickly, becuase the next generation of these drives is probobly going to use a SATA variation to save on production costs,
  10. we need a HD5 replacement, normal USB connector and since the new player which are coming out are UMS, then good things to come,
  11. ok, my mistake the last letter in the code GA"Z" Z being either H or L for high or low, low being 5mm and high 8mm
  12. well, the service manuals should provide disassembly instructions, the issue is that the mk4007gal has been discontinued, now, from what i´ver learned the MK series consists from MKXXYYgal, XX being the size in gigabytes (taking in to account gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes) and YY being the generation with one detail, even numbers are 8mm while odd numbers are 5mm, the MK4007gal has been discontinued, the MK4008gal DOSNT FIT; 8mm high, the MK4009gal is the currently available 5mm drive, i found one for 93 euros + vat, the issue is getting one and fitting it,
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