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Everything posted by tds101

  1. It will show up as a removable drive on a MAC, so it's great for your needs.
  2. tds101


    Sorry, I wasn't trying to rush you. I just thought you didn't need the assistance and didn't have the time to answer. Also, I've noticed the forums are almost spam free since the upgrade. But, my offer still stands, so just let me know when able.
  3. tds101


    Well, considering I've not even gotten a response, I guess I shouldn't have offered my time.
  4. Had to bump to see if there's any new info on the S Series, or any other Sony DAP headed our way.
  5. Lets just say he should have kept his pricing structure to himself, that's all. His review was decent for a kid though, but I'd let a secret remain a secret.
  6. Sorry, but the X1000 Series doesn't do video out.
  7. Well, hopefully we'll get a few more votes. Sony actually checks the forums in the here in the USA from time to time, so this thread is more valuable than an actual online petition. That's why I created it, to get the message (hopefully) across w/the help of the Sony community to the Sony Corporation.
  8. Loud music playing in the US on busses or trains is prohibited. I work for NYCT, and we get driven crazy by even ADULTS playing music on the public transportation - but we're not police officer's, so we can do nothing about it. This will just worsen the problem, unless they release a 32gb version - so I can drown it out w/MY music!!!
  9. Wow, I thought I logged into the wrong site!!!! lookin' good!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Take a look: anythingbutipod.com gave Sony Insider props: Sony S540 Series Leaked
  11. Nope, it's the new PSP Go: Amazon.com
  12. Also, try either J.River Media Jukebox (it's the free version), or Media Monkey. Both work great for tagging and album art. J.River is the more uesr friendly, and MM is the advanced program. I use J.River myself.
  13. tds101


    Well, I work nights and I'm home most days. I used to mod over @anythingbutipod.com, and I'm still a member in good standing. PM me, I'm willing to help.
  14. tds101


    Any updates on who's being considered to help w/the forums?
  15. Well, the small speakers aren't a deal breaker by any means, but it'd be nice if the sounded half-decent.
  16. I like it, and even though it lacks the gapless I crave, I'd buy 1 if it hits 32gb. It's hott looking in black BTW.
  17. Actually, it's a 2.4 inch screen, and it's got stereo speakers. No gapless, but 32gb might get me to buy it,..................................
  18. All Sony's wacky numbering really means nothing. All I'm looking forward to is a Sony player that hits 32gb,................. and isn't touchscreen - like the X1000 series. And I want my cake & to eat it too,......I want GAPLESS!!!! Ok, lol, I'm better now.
  19. tds101


    PM sent. We need to stop this, and I mean all across the forums.
  20. tds101


    Does anyone here even pay attention to the fact that the site is being bombed w/spam?????? I'll be a site admin, just to help police the forums. Contact me via my info (admins only).
  21. Great interview, glad to see such a wonderful piece.
  22. It's a start, but we deserve gapless - especially since it's the only real issue keeping Sony from becoming the great company they used to be (in regards to the Walkman lineup).
  23. Well, I guess Sony is SLOWLY starting to head in the right direction. Now we just need to see if the S series get 32gb + gapless.
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