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Everything posted by pata2001

  1. Yup, the best solution for an employee is to get a UMS DAP (like Cowon or rockboxed DAPs). No software required, less problems. Still, I do think the OP has a valid concern. One of the reason windows environment is so vulnerable to malware is because on all home version OS up to winXP, all user are defaulted to admin (a problem that has been solved in linux and mac OS for quite some time). Vista is changing this with UAC, but then it becomes annoying and there are many compatibility problems since some programs (eg Sonicstage) require admin rights, defeating the purpose of UAC. I though if a program to get Vista certified logo, it has to be compliant with UAC.
  2. Yet again, another one. How many people ask this question already? There is no way to get the tracks back from the device. No way. You just have to bite the bullet and re-rip your music again. Thank you for buying a Sony product. If you don't need Connect, make sure you use the Asia Pacific version of Sonicstage. Asia Pacific version doesn't have the re-initializing issue with Atrac Audio devices.
  3. We've been discussing this here: http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?...ic=3761&hl= Mod: Combine thread again?
  4. We've been discussing it here: http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?...ic=3761&hl= Mod: Combine thread?
  5. By the way, should this be on the forntpage/blog? I mean, IMO this news is kinda significant, especially for an Atrac fansite.
  6. First of all, say bye-bye to Connect http://www.paidcontent.org/entry/419-sony-...cing-playstati/
  7. Wow, you beat me. Why the sad face? This is to be expected. Sony should've done this earlier anyway. How many people actually use the service, outside the free connect coupons? Better start converting your connect tracks to audioCD. Now let's see how long till Sony switch completely to AAC.
  8. That's a sweet blue D-NE20 you have there! The S705F must be expensive in your country huh. I wonder how much iPods are over there, probably even more expensive.
  9. Huh? So you want Sony to give you free stuff? Maybe you can ask that Glasgow guy why Sony doesn't sell stuff for free.
  10. Well, now we know why Sony USA sucks so much. I mean if this is how the president himself feels, then so much for Sony Electronics huh. Whose fault is it in the first place that now it's "really late in the game?" How could Sony USA compete if they didn't even release the products? I mean even Sony Canada already released the A80x and E-1x already. Sony really needs to fire all these stupid execs. With Apple not releasing any new iPods, and iPhone not being out yet, early 2007 was the good time to churn out anything to compete with the iPods, considering people are thirsty for something new. Maybe this Glasgow guy actually works for Samsung/Apple or something.
  11. I know, or maybe you just want to get a new PC subconsciously?
  12. Or, it could be just Japan only, like the good old days.
  13. How about getting a widescreen monitor?
  14. So, is this the 3rd/4th relaunch? I thought Sony "re-launched" their Walkmen lineup with the A3000/A1xx series, and those didn't go anywhere. Again, Sony just don't get it. There has never been a problem with the hardware, so relaunching it a gazillion times won't fix the problem. The key is software. Steve Jobs already said it at the D5 interview, yet Sony just never learn. I am glad that Sony seems to be pushing bluetooth though.
  15. With flash memory reaching 32GB and 64GB, I think almost everybody (including Apple and presumably Sony) are waiting for the price of those SSD to come down, and then we'll have 20GB+ flash based DAPs. Even Apple seems to be waiting on the sideline, considering that the last "update" of the 5.5G iPods is just a refresh.
  16. Well, I don't think SS will be updated anytime soon. Sony seems comfortable in just releasing 4.3 for Vista compatibility. Sony usually only release new version of SS if they release new devices. If Sony cannot make a decent software, then I hope the least they could do is to look at SE phones and PSP, where drag-n-drop works just fine. Or an easier route, bow to Steve Jobs and get iTunes to work with Sony DAPs.
  17. IMO iTunes is still the best podcast management software out there, so just use it to get your podcasts, and have Son..Chronicstage import-scan the iTunes library. Catch is you have to do this everytime you update the podcasts in iTunes. You can always drag-n-drop the podcasts from iTunes to SS. Regardless, I can't think of any automation process. If only SS can auto-monitor/import selected folders...
  18. You probably don't know bangraman's "headgear" then.
  19. You know what, you might be right, although I do still have to change area codes for my E99, which is considered a memory stick device rather than an Atrac AD device. Anyway, what region of Sonicstage do you use? I'm not sure if some settings are region dependent (eg. US version of Sonicstage presumably would be the worse *see sig*) For those that don't need Connect, it might be worth while to just use the Asia Pacific version and see if things work just by using applocale.
  20. I don't know, but IMO Sonicstage usage is hardly hard-drive intensive, so IMO a RAID 1 setup is still a better choice for reliability sake instead of buying the raptor + seagate. SCSI drives are intended for coporate use, so they're very reliable even though they have high rpm. The raptors are consumer grade drives, and although I never had one, the reliability of WD is not that good in my experience from their other hard-drives. I'd rather get 2 of the seagate drive and do a RAID 1 instead.
  21. How much do you want to spend? 1GB of RAM is probably more than enough, and IMO a E6600 is somewhat overkill for just Sonicstage. I would do video encodings on a PC with a Core 2 Duo CPU in it. Other than that, just make sure you have a good ventilated case (WD raptors are running quite hot).
  22. I guess it takes a while to sink in. Welcome to the club. As any reviews done since the HD3 and after, everybody likes the hardware, but not the software (sonicstage), yet Sony doesn't seem to understand that. Sony is marketing their DAPs as general consumer electronics. How long does it take you to turn on your TV or use your DVD player? Consumer electronics should not require prolonged time for customers to learn their usage. Nerds don't use Sony/Sonicstage anyway, they buy iPods and install linux/rockbox on them. The market pretty much show what the consumer wants, and easy to use product. Sony fails again and again. It's a no brainer how iPods become so successful, yet the competitors fail to learn anything from Apple.
  23. What does cable length have to do with stereo seperation?
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