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Everything posted by pata2001
Why? It's still a thread about CDX-GTxxx series.
New model: Sony CDX-GT610Ui (note the i at the end of the model number.;I=158GT610UI It looks like a low end model (face plate doesn't cover the CD slot), and price is $180. In addition to standard MP3, WMA, and Atrac support, Sony adds AAC. If you look closer, there is also a USB port on the side. Seems great! Even better/funnier, note the i at the end of the model number. LOL Great job Sony! I guess killing you own product line is easier than supporting them. Is Sony finally tossing the white towel on their walkmen products? Oh well, making money is the 1st priority, and iPod is still the best selling DAP. Of course, who knows how good the iPod integration actually is. Most car iPod integration are pathetic, pretty much only emulating playlists to CD changer controls. But hey, I guess it's easier than integrating the walkmen lineup. If I see this at my local bestbuy, I'll see if it support gapless/seamless playback of AtracCD (highly doubt it).
I'd rather Sony Ericsson stick with what they're doing now (no sonicstage, UMS, no Atrac) and improve upon HE-AAC and add gapless support, instead of going back a thousand steps to the stone-age of network walkman (only Atrac3 bitrate supported is just like my NW-E3) + sonicstage. The main draw of SE phones for consumers is the fact that people don't have to use Sonicstage. Sony SE phones probably won't be as popular as they are if people has to use Sonicstage. I wish SE market their phones more openly in the US, and bring in more and newer models, not some leftovers from Asia. bland10000: Love your ラスト figurine.
It depends on how modern your CPU is. I have a P4 2.6GHz. SS when idle gets 0-2% CPU usage. Playing a song will jump the CPU usage to ~10% and go back to ~2-4%. Scrolling the library/tracks will hit up to 50% CPU usage. I find iTunes to have similar activities, hitting the CPU to about 48% during scrolling the library/tracks. My older AthlonXP 1700+ will have 100% CPU usage during the same activity(scrolling the library) in iTunes. If you notice CPU usage when SS is idle, check the task manager to see if it's caused by something else (eg. Firewall, virus scanner, or maybe virus/trojan/adware).
I see what he tried to do. That is assuming you don't have any music with the genre you don't want, or you choose to delete or change the genre you don't want to something else.
Maybe a 2nd gen mylo? Anyway, putting HDD in a PSP is just not plausible. First, a PSP must have a UMD drive, since the games come in UMD. It won'r make sense to make a PSP without a UMD drive. So, imagine the bulkiness of both UMD drive and a HDD. As I said somewhere before, PSP is also driving the sales of memory sticks, so Sony would prefer people buy larger memory sticks than putting a HDD in the PSP. Unless if Sony want to kill UMD. What I want is a higher res screen mylo (at least 640x480, 320x240 for web browsing is useless). Now, putting a HDD on the mylo might make sense, if Sony want it to be a portable multimedia player. But flash memory is reaching double digit GB capacity now, with 16+GB capacity.
Right click on the track, choose properties, and you can change the genre to anything you want. If you want to remove it, just leave it blank.
I never use voidmp3fm, but I think it will create the same folder structure like Sonicstage for the MP3s to be playable on the E005 itself. If your TEAC cannot support nested folders, then you're out of luck other than connecting the player via analog headphone out.
Initial D Street Stage. I mean, this is probably the only PSP game with real Eurobeat music in it. I'm suck at it though, cannot even pass the second level.
This happens to any electronics. Dust can get into the oddest places. The only way to get rid of them if to dismantle the unit's cover and blow the dust away. However, doing so might invite more dust to settle in, and will probably voided your warranty.
How do you connect your E005 to your stereo? Via USB? If so, make sure you only use MP3 for the tracks since that is the most commonly supported format. Also, you need to transfer the MP3s using sonicstage in order for them to be playable on the E005. Refer to the manual of your stereo to see if it can support foldered/nested folder file structure or not. If you connect via the analog headphone out, there should not be any problem since the E005 is doing the decoding.
Everybody knows that already. The poster problem is that his/her windows locale is already set to Chinese, and SS3.x and above will NOT display kanji without applocale. Unfortunately, using applocale won't work in his/her case since you cannot run applocale with the same language (in this case, Chinese) as the windows locale. So if you already set windows locale to Chinese, you cannot set applocale to chinese. In his/her case, it's more problematic since he/she has other programs that rely on the windows locale setting to work properly with kanji filenames.
Which models you have? Try using SS4.2 instead.
Go PM giki since he claims nobody has any problem with Sonicstage anymore. 1 thing you can try is to download and use the full Sonistage installation form the download section in this forum. I think I came across this problem 1 time in the past, but I didn't remember the resolution.
That's right, you cannot use applocale for the same locale as your windows system. Unfortunately, Sonicstage 3.x and above won't display kanji if you just change windows' locale (it used to work with SS2.x and below). I don't know if there is a specific Chinese version of Sonicstage. I used to change my system locale to Japanese and installed the Japanese version of Sonicstage just to enable kanji. Yeah, this is the big problem of Sony. (read my sig). Up to you, which one is more important, sonicstage, or your other data. Another reason I moved away form Sony to Apple.
Make sure you do the registry changes also, not just using applocale, and re-transfer the tracks after the registry changes. Anybody can really confirm that S7xx units outside Japan can display kanji? Could be Sony doing its stupid regioning at the firmware level again.
I don't know about the A1200, but the E005 has a noisier (maybe cheper) amp than previous Sony network walkmen (compared with my NW-E3 and E99). Definitely noticable at low volume and low-impedance earbuds. Probably will not matter on regular use.
The drive letter doesn't matter. I have moved my Atrac library form 1 PC to another. Old PC is SS4.0, new PC is SS4.2, both are Asia Pacific version. I backed up my library from the old PC using the backup tool to an external hard-drive, install SS on the new PC, and restore the library from the external hard-drive. SS retains the folder structure, but the drive letter doesn't matter. The only thing is you MUST have an internet connection, as Sonicstage will "verify" your library some server on the internet before restoring for some reason, even if you don't have any tracks purchased from Connect.
Hey, I'm not the one who types in caps. Besides, I don't see you helping people that have problems with Sonicstage, etc. I've been helping others for quite sometime, even figuring out which registry to modify to enable kanji support/change region setting. I even tried to help you when you asked for a recommendation on bitrate to use. So unlike a fanboy, even though I will not recommend a Sony player to someone asking for a recommendation for a new DAP, I still want to help those that have problems with their Sony DAPs because I have dealt with Sonicstage for a while. Yeah, I want to see you helping somebody that have their library un-recognized by Sonicstage, or somebody that are force to initialize their walkmen when upgrading SS. What is the point of the old T-board thread you're linking there? Just to show people more bugs of HiMD? If Sony can deliver what I want, I'd be more than happy to buy Sony. They did do that in the past (gapless, battery life). Now, not anymore. Oh, I wasn't the one who started this thread anyway, and this thread is speaking about iPod, placed properly in "The Lounge" section. To mods: Sorry that this is going this way. I guess I shouldn't have replied to this ressurected old thread. My apologies.
Well, it's a nostalgic value. Besides, the person that is buying this is probably a collector him/herself. If you're a collector, your view of the value of things differ than us, especially if you really want the item. Hey, maybe it's Mr Jobs himself. Another example, there are many older MD/PCDP/electronics units being sold for a good sum of money. eBay is a near true free market setting, supply and demand.
1. With iTunes, I don't even have to click a button. I connect my iPod, and iTunes automatically sync all music (including ratings) and cycle my smart playlists automatically. Just because you cannot figure something out, doesn't mean the software is bad. 2. Can you even sync photos with Sonicstage? Yeah, iTunes for Windows sucks. However, on the mac, it sits nicely with iPhoto, and the photo sync feature seamless with iPhoto. 3. OK try this. Leave your network walkmen on "off" for 2-3 days. Next thing you know, the battery will be drained out. I can leave my iPod "off" for a week, and it still have some juice left. I have Sony Network Walkmen products too, so I know. Oh, and your battery life is achievable if you use what? Atrac3+ 48kbps with screen always off and low volume? 6. And I know people who are still using their 1st, 2nd, 2rd, gen iPods without problems, and those are hard-drive based iPods. I also see people who have problems on their Network Walkmen in this forum. With flash based storage, it should be expected to be more durable than hard-drive. 8. Try backing up your music library with Sonicstage and restoring it. You'll be force to connect to the internet too, just for restoring your own music library. Yeah, it's cheap for Apple not to bundle iTunes CD with the newer iPods, but either way, you will have to have internet connection. giki: Regarding made in China? So? Many electronics are made in China now, even Sony's. The issue is quality control. And yes, Apple seems to have problesm with QC, but Sony is not doing any better either compared to their older products. Oh, and my nano can use Apple lossless and WAV. And you're so proud that it took you 15minutes to transfer your songs? :D I want to spend my time listening to my music, not waiting for transfer. I repeat myself: Gapless with MP3, unicode display and software. Can Sony deliver that? Oh, read my sig. And yes, I do have my share of Sony walkmen (read my Atrac devices list). I've been using Sony walkmen since OpenMG jukebox, the NW-E3 (one of the first Sony network walkmen).
Talk about thread ressurection. Anyway: iPod nano 2nd gen, aluminum body, 8GB flash based, 24hour battery life, gapless playback with MP3 and AAC, unicode display and software. Can Sony compete with that? Sony USA didn't even release 4GB version of the S70x series in the US. It's like Sony doesn't even want to compete.
If the Asia Pacific version doesn't ask for initialization, then you should be fine. I'm not sure though, since this problem is not an issue with HiMD nor older network walkmen that I used to use.
There is no way to get around that. Welcome to the world of Sony/Sonicstage. Most of users reported this problem with US version of Sonicstage (mainly because of the DRM of connect). Some users reported the Asia Pacific version won't forve you to initialize the player. Uninstall your version of Sonicstage and download the Asia Pacific version of one of the links in this forum.