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  1. i installed sonicstage it works now
  2. cause i hear how crappy it is and it messes with your whole system you dont need sonic stage to edit the mp3s tho get some other software for that
  3. does it require you to have sonic stage installed? i dont have it installed...
  4. any plans on a new release also i noticed that the id3 tags are missing from some of the files the v1 tags seem to go and the year, and comments are gone as well any idea whats the deal with that?
  5. i have used the panas and the main problem is the lack of bass i ordered some of the JVCs and will report on those when i get them
  6. Hi, I installed VAIO music tranfer to see if it would be a better option for my HD5 than MP3FM. I keep getting this error : Essential Modules not found. Shutting down VAIO music tranfer any idea? thanks
  7. is there a way to make the extraction button not create a new folder for every artist - albulm when you extract? sometimes its useful, othertimes its really annoying thanks!
  8. could you explain again how to rerun the keygen wizard to get more files, ie the exact procedure im not clear on that. thanks
  9. i ordered the one off ebay cause it was only 8 bucks shipped Stuge: use paypal with a credit card
  10. i will look on ebay ajitp: where did you get that?
  11. not one that works with international voltage
  12. well i recieved the silicon case, its pretty nice except its feels too soft to the touch (whatever that means) and you cannot get to the usb connection without pulling off the top part of the player (not that big of a deal i guess)
  13. i got an hd5 on ebay no problem new in box just gotta hunt for it
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