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  1. When you put both batteries in the Md unit is running on combined power. It is more likely that the battery indicator you see is reffered to both batteries.
  2. Can you mention again how you got past the 1 min problem?
  3. I couldnt really figure this out from the previous posts (I am a dumbass ) so let me ask: Is himdrederer fully operational yet? or we still have uploads trashing and sound clicking?
  4. Anybody know if sony have a in-house programming team or they outsource?
  5. I dont see the lock that indicate the use of SSL encryption. But then again, it could be something wrong on my end.
  6. 1. The donation page is not secure. Very few people will dare to write their credit card number on a page like that. Believe it or not but i was going to donate until i saw that. 2. As far as i heard he hit a brick wall with decoding problem, something to do with the Direct show function but i may be wrong.
  7. Im not saying that people are selfish, im saying that the % of people who have Hi-Md, know about the software, can really use it for something, and actually KNOW HOW TO use it (it doesnt even have a GUI yet, massive blow for n00bz) is much smaller than you think. Like many game developers say: Its done when its done. Donating does not insure that the author will bring out newer versions, and not many people would like, or can, pay for an un-finished product. BTW, if you are donating before you even have a HI-MD your doing twice the wrong. what if you change your mind by the time you purchased HI-MD and have already donated?
  8. Your forgetting that HI-MD is still at its infancy, and most people still own only NetMD units [or even only MDLP or only SP (!)] and have no reason to donate just yet.
  9. Why does everyone rave so much about SS2? I personnaly think that despite openMG's bugs, it has a much better interface than SS2. You can set it to have a huge window with everything displayed instead of a tiny "transfer" windows that you can bearly see in or manage it.... Also, you could change the track names while playing, you cant do that with SS2 as far as i know...
  10. If using both the rechargeable & the AA case at the same time, will the recorder (N1 in this case) will drain power from both sources, or use up one of them first? Thanks.
  11. First of all, if the boom faded now since the announcement boom, than it was definately a long boom. Now, as for your dislike for sonic stage, you should know that there are some rumors going about sony writing a sofware to convert .OMG (oh my god ? :grin: ) files that were recorded via MIC or analogue line-in to WAV. That should mke you satisfied.
  12. Off topic: Its hard for me to believe that there are parts in western europe without broadband :ohmy: Even in hot melting israel we have broadband almost nation-wide if im not mistaken. Back to topic: If your intentions are to connect the unit to the stand-alone CDRW player via REAL TIME connection for recording MD2CD, than make sure it has a LINE OUT. (nh1/nh900 for example.) You cant connect it via SPDIF or TOSlink optical, so a analogue LINE OUT is crucial!
  13. It is my sad duty to inform you, that you can forget about uploading ANY old MD. You can only upload HI-MD formatted disks, and you cannot (Maybe yet), convert it to WAV... Sony marketing blows.
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