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Everything posted by Bup

  1. Wow, 5 people saying the same thing, and even the first response was redundant It is obvious that transcoding is 'bad'; I'm sure OP understands that general rule too, and is in fact why he did this test (in part) -> it doesn't matter what is theoretically true if your ears don't pick up a difference. This difference is harder to pickup via a portable(* since most people's portable gear gives lower fidelity than their stationary gear), in general, and since most portables have limited space it's obviously a good idea to see where you pick up the difference with your ears. Everything else is dingbats. And if someome wishes to save space and battery power by using a lower-bitrate atrac codec and already has a lot of files as mp3s, chances are it's going to be very messy to find every source and re-encode as that lower-bitrate atrac format. The topic was a bit misleading though, still it wasn't totally blinding.
  2. At least the HD5 was rather smoothly introduced into the scene; when the Vaio logos appeared, they hit you over the head.
  3. Bup

    NW-A608 Queries

    Thanks. In regards to the VBR thing for mp3s, I just read the nw-a60x operation manual, which says they do playback files of this type correctly. But I'm still pretty sure the help files of SS3.4 state VBR files will not be treated correctly (by SS), and when you import them they all appear as 128kbps files..are they still, in all effects, vbr files, only that SS show them as 128kbps simply because their bitrate is variable?
  4. Bup

    NW-A608 Queries

    Helo. I was wondering about a couple of things regarding this player. One, - Can the sony Mp3 File Manager work with the a600 series? Tried finding an answer through searching; but was rather unsuccessful. Drag and drop would be so very useful. Two, - Do these little things support (mp3) VBR yet? SS 3.4 doesn't seem to, so I'm not really holding my breath, but it would be good to know. Three- What's with every place in Europe selling these selling only the purple variant? Is there a separate blue variant, or is the purple one == the blue one? Thank you for your patience. If either of these questions have indeed been answered before on this forum, feel free to link to such a post.
  5. Thanks for your ver informative reply Edit. Omg (haha), <-- that smiley almost makes me reconsider anything Japanese!! I dare not do the tongue-smiley! I understand that all rechargable batteries will die after so many charge cycles, and also that li-ions can deteroiate in other ways; or through other means rather, than simply charging and draining. It's also good news to hear that it is potentially possible to find a replacement 'internal' battery, once one starts fading. (80% after 1 year at typical usage? Would that be 60% after 2 years? 50?) I don't entirely understand this: " Where the "internal" batteries in these units can easily be purchased from Sony, the cost of the "internal" ones are usually high. However if it is using a Li-Ion-Polymer battery (or even a standard Li-Ion which connects internally with wires instead of contact points), " Does this mean that some internal li-ions that sit in Sony players are connected via contact points? Anyway, are the E4/5/A6 series of flash players equipped with batteries that would be potentially exchangable(pure li-ion or li-ion-polymer with wire connectors), do you know?
  6. Hi . I'm contemplating getting an a608 (2Gb flash with loong battery life)..but I've always had this distinct disliking towards 'built in' batteries. I've attempted to research this a bit, but I cannot seem to get it entirely straight. Will li-ion batteries finally degrade to around 1% of original capacity? Does this take 3 years or 30? http://www.batterygeek.net/lithium-ionbatterypacks2.htm has a good chart- but what about 1year+? Furthermore, has anyone ever attempted to change the battery of a e-4/507? Can identical batteries be acquired somewhere, even?
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