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Posts posted by bluecrab

  1. If you record to the N710 via its optical input in SP mode, that is exactly what you will get—legacy MD's 292 kbps ATRAC. And the latest version of it, at that (Type R). However, if you're going to use Sonic Stage to transfer, then as sfbp noted, you will get LP2 @ 132 kbps. You may want to try both and see which suits you better. All good!

  2. I have 4 Macs. If I need to get something onto MD from Mac (not very much these days, at all), I'd use one of these methods:

    1. Directly from the Mac via optical (does not retain track marks).

    2. Burn a playlist to cd and then copy the cd to md.

    The site in the link is not Apple Support. Careful.

    It also occurs to me that you could be using Hi-MD and are having a problem with Sony's Hi-MD s/w. If that's the case, then it's possible your current Mac OS doesn't work with that s/w. Mac OS/Sony Hi-MD s/w stopped being compatible some time ago, according to several users.


  3. GIYF = Google Is Your Friend. It's good to be helpful; it's also good to take advantage of the abilities of google et al.

    Here's an example of what I mean: Suppose you want to know if a given unit may be MDLP capable. One way to determine that is , as sfbp mentions, is to identify the ATRAC chip. That's not always easy. But if you look around online, you can often fine the service manual for the unit, check the schematic, and locate/identify the ATRAC chip. Sure, it's a bit of legwork, and there's no guarantee of success, but even without success, there's always a good chance you'll learn something new along the way. Anyway, that's been my experience.

    I am definitely not saying that one should not ask questions, only that one should be as resourceful and inquisitive as possible.

  4. Philippe: Yes, kind of, but also like "squirrelly data"; it's there somewhere, if you could just get it to hold still! ;-) There has to be somewhere, a user guide for that unit, one would think. But where???

  5. Neither the SM (as linked above) nor its prior version say anything about 2x CD > MD, but then, there isn't all that much said about actual ops & functions anyway. Not sure if the MDLP is meaningful in this context; for example, the Sony MXD-D3 deck isn't LP, but does offer hi-speed. According to minidisc.org, the Aiwa XR-MD310 also seems to lack LP, but does offer 2x CD > MD. Nevertheless, probably best to assume no 2x until proven otherwise. BTW, if there's an actual user manual for the 200-201 online, it's squirreled away pretty deep.


  6. Yes, that was a good price. I actually sold it for a bit less, on Ebay (first time for me), where I found out you get a shipping discount if you use Fedex. I'm having some "seller's remorse," but that deck was part of an overall reduction in hardware that I need to do. I still have a JA22ES to carry on! :-)

  7. MDS-JB930. Yes, the classic deck, fully working, very good cond. $160. LMK via PM if you're interested and I'll supply any further details you need.  Remote (RM-D49)+ orig. box, too. Price includes shipping to Con US.

    930 front & box.jpeg

    930 playing.jpeg

    930 recording.jpeg

    930 rear.jpeg

    930 remote-1.jpeg

    930 top.jpeg

  8. I can't find anything truly definitive, but I did find this short but relevant discussion:


    The odd thing for me is that IIRC it was right here that I first saw the info about the D400 4x @4.5. If I were going to use my D400 for serious recording, I'd delve deeper; as things stand...well, for copying I mainly use it to copy audiobooks, mostly in LP...sometimes mono. And that works really, really well!

  9. I think what sfbp says is true. The PCLK allows MD titling, control, and editing functions from your PC—not upload. Here's a decent description of what it does:https://www.hifix.co.uk/sony-pclkmn20-usb-pc-link-kit

    Doing a real-time transfer from PC to MXD-D40, that's somewhat simpler. You'll need either a sound card with optical out OR a device that converts USB to optical (like this one [DG2]...there are others): http://www.dansdata.com/xitel.htm

    Note too, that getting digitally recorded files off an MD and into a computer has always been a pain, unless you're using Hi-MD. It's not clear to me how the UC222 would be used to route a digital signal from the D40 to a PC....but I suppose it could be possible, given the necessary H/W I/O.

    My own situation is that I go from MD > CD-RW > iTunes. This is time-consuming but works well for me. FWIW, I have an MXD-D40 & an MXD-D400. The latter has optical out.

    • Thanks 1
  10. SOLD
    52 Minidiscs

    MD sale!
    52 Minidiscs for $40. (Includes shipping to ConUS...see below.)
    So-called "Off-brand" discs:
    Hi-Space (14 x 80, 12 x 74)
    Memorex (12 x 74)
    Princo (14 x 74).
    All with cases. NO issues. The price includes shipping to Continental US—will ship elsewhere for add'tl ship cost. Many of these have labels/inserts. Erase/rewrite of discs is up to buyer. Please PM me if interested or ask questions here.

    52 MD cases.jpeg

    52 MDs.jpeg

  11. On 5/11/2018 at 5:19 PM, kgallen said:

    Slightly incomplete info and only 14 years late to the thread, but hey, I'm back in the "MD game" as it were...

    I have just acquired an MDS-E12, UK spec. The Setup menu has a Copy Bit setting. This is not described in the User or Service Manual. It has options: PreRecorded, Inhibit and Permit. I haven't yet determined what each setting does, but it looks interesting for SCMS. It's possible SCMS is only forced on US-spec machines as it was that juristiction that forced the implementation of SCMS in the first place (so I understand).



    "Permit" defeats SCMS, I/O. "Inhibit" enables SCMS. Let me go see if I have the PreRec option on the E10...yes, I do. However, because I too lack the doc (it does exist somewhere out there, as I have seen it), I don't know what it does.

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