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future love

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  1. You can't have all the time the backlight on the RM-MC11EL. On the new RM-MC33EL, you have a function in the menu of the n910 and the n10 (i don't know for the others): Options --> backlight --> > 'on' You have all the time the backlight > 'off' You haven't got the backlight > 'auto' You only have the backlight when you press a button I know that the RM-MC11EL was working on the mz-n505 so i'm quite sure that the RM-MC33EL works on the mz-n510. You will have all the informations on your remote control: title, time, singer...
  2. Nowadays, there is no solutions to have a sound which works louder on the mz-n710 Even the hack doesn't change it: if you hack your MD, you won't have a 'line out' and a sound louder than before.
  3. G'morning, You have a resort in your MD which ejects automaticaly the MD. I think that it's this same resort which is broken or displaced :?
  4. Hello, Good points of the 'net-MD' are: > hight speed transfert (64Xspeed or 32Xspeed in lp4) > 'Sonic-stage' easy to install > you can easily title your musics > you can do your own groups on a MD, with a unit compatible with the 'group function' > with the 'net-MD recorder', you can't lost your music in ATRAC3: it's a memory of all your music in 'Sonic-stage' Bad points are: > the restrictions of the 'net-MD' like MD-->PC which is impossible > it's better to have a PC (but the 'net-MD' also works on a Mac with 'virtual-PC') > sometimes the computer doens't recognize the MD :x ... Bye.
  5. The Sharp md-mt770/mt888 is not 'net-MD' , so you haven't got an usb exit, and drivers are useless. The only one which is 'net-MD' is the Im-mt899. Anyway, if you haven't got the software, it means that your MD is not 'net-MD', sorry. It 's a mistake of your friend, i suppose .
  6. >mAjEsTiC: when i said: "is the eject btoon is automatic" i was asking if you have to open the minidisc with your hand or not, that's all.
  7. I know that it's risked but you can dismantle it. You'll see the problem. I imagine that you haven' tgarranty now, so it's te better solution, but be careful: it boring to re-ensamble it. I have aready tested. Is the 'eject button' is automatic ? If yes, it can be the resort which is the problem... Good luck!
  8. mAjEsTiC is right, the n910 has the 'quick mode', the 'normal mode' and the 'power-mode'. Be careful, the 'power-mode' is not exactly the same function on the two models. In fact, the 'power-mode' is a special function in the n910, contrary to the n10. In a part of the menu of the n10, whose name is 'power-mode', you have the choice between: > normal > quick, that's all In the 910's menu, unluckily i don't remenber the name of the part of the menu, you have: > normal > quick > power-mode In reality it's a function which is a little different between the two models.
  9. If you're used to repair differents things, this will not be a problem. (It's better to have little fingers, really! ) :arrow: I have already open MD, a Sharp md-sr50. I have clean the lens and re-ensamble it. I avoid that it's not very easy but it's very interesting! The is an old model, but the n505 is quite recent so it's at your own risk; it's more complicated than a md-sr50. You need to have very little screw-drivers.
  10. If i were you i'll wait for the Sharp Im-dr580. :arrow: This model will be 'Net-MD' with a '50Xspeed transfert' and will have a good quality recording, like all the Sharp's models. If not you have the Sharp Im-mt899 (16Xspeed tansfert) who is 'Net-MD'. It's the only one you can find now with Sharp.
  11. I'm 18. :wink: I've discovered the MD at 15. I have used few MD: mz-r500, mz-n710, mz-r900, mz-n910. Now, i use a mz-n1 and a mz-n10 and a friend has give me a Sharp md-sr50
  12. Sudden, are you sure that the Sharp Im-dr580 will have an 'optical out' ? It seems to be an bad information...it's a mistake on behalf of Sharp...no?
  13. Hello, I would like to know why the backlight's remote change: on some photos you can see blue's backlight remote control and, in some others photos it's green. I prefer blue backlight. Where (or in which country) we can find blue backlight? Thanks for answering me.
  14. I agree with mAjEsTiC when he says that the n1 has a better sound to the n10. I have already had this models: > mz-r900: good MD, he's very strong but he's quite big. Just one line on the screen... A lot of functions, you don't need to hack it. You have 2 'jog dial who are very easy to use. > mz-r500 (or 501) but it's the same: full in plastic but strong. Be careful: the screen is too little, you can't see the song's title! It's boring. If haven't got enought money to buy a better MD... > mz-n1: very good MD: good sound, lot of functions, beautiful, lot of accessories... I think the better choice to do, but it's the more recent and the more expensive. In the list, the g750 is the only one to have a tuner.
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