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Everything posted by Expander2000

  1. Put it this way, one model can work fine one person, while the exact same model could be crappy for another. I bought my MZ-R70 in Jan of 2001 (400$CDN) and still works great. My father-in-law bought himself the same model on ebay 80$CDN (used of course) and it has a mysterious problem where it can't read its own recordings. So it's hard to tell sometimes.
  2. From what I understand, Audacity is FREE and GNU/GPL. It is available for Windoze but was initially conceived for Linux. It does have a hiss removal. The best software you could get is without a doubt: SoundForge. However this one is like 600$US. Your only option is to get a crack for that one. Don't know much about the others, sorry.
  3. Expander2000


    If your looking for an entry-level deck with MDLP, I would recommend the MDS-JE470 or MDS-JE480 Lets not forget both can be modified to add an optical out.
  4. I don't really think so...at least not yet. The only way to play midi fils on an MD would be to convert the midi files into wav using winamp or such, then burning them to an Audio CD (CDA), then playing the CD in a cd player equipped with an optical out, piping it into your MD recorder. Or just record it staight in from the sequencer via analog.
  5. Lets not forget the MDLP capable Sony CMT-M333NT. http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_CMT-M333NT.html It records from MD to Tape and back again.
  6. It depends if this cd recorder of yours has an optical in. If so then you can use the 530 to pipe it into the cd recorder via the optical cable, (probably minus the track marks). If not then your only hope is indeed via analog. As for the quality loss, depends on the quality of the cables being used. If you used those cheap "dollar-store" specials then yes considerable loss and interference will occur. Also be sure not to have any fluorescent, xeon or hallogen lights turned on while recording, as well as computers and other such devices operating nearby should be off.
  7. Hello all, I'm 25 (soon 26) and i got my 1st MD (MZ-R70) in Jan of 2001. Now I want a home deck and a mobile.
  8. I know this is a bit late but someone else might want to know the answer this question. I found a website which explainse exactly what to do. Rescue an all erased disc. If you by accident have made an all erase can you save the music. 1. Make a disc with one long track filling the whole disc 2. Perform TOC cloning (see above): The TOC of the one long track disc cloned onto the ALL ERASED disc 3. Re-insert track marks and track titles on the disc. More info found at: http://ravn.net/md/#rescue
  9. Hi all, My father-in-law recently purchased a used Sony MZ-R70 from Ebay. Now, it plays great any pre-recorded discs or any discs I have recorded from my R70. And if he records on his R70 it plays great on mine. The problem here is that if he records on his R70, the playback is choppy and broken and such with lots of long silent gaps. At first we thought the head might be dirty so he got himself a head and lens cleaner but to no avail. To make matters even more mysterious, the head cleaner is a recordable 74mins MD. When we used it, it actually recorded Perfectly without even 1 drop out. Can anyone out there in the MD world help me figure out what the heck is wrong with it? Thank you in advance, Eric.
  10. Hi toolowtwo, The reason you had 11 tracks on the MD is probably because there were silent parts in between songs, in which case the MD would automaticaly insert a "Track Mark". In this case I'm guessing your Vinyl was in mint condition, i.e: very little snap/crackle/pop. Eric.
  11. Hi guys, I'm new to this forum (but not to MDs in general). To the last post, my best guess would be that those wrote the software did not take the "track mark insertion" into consideration. I still think the absolute best way to record digitaly is by 2 ways: 1. Burn the music onto a CD-R/RW and play it in a dvd player with the optical out. 2. Same as above but playit on a CD-Rom with COAX-2-Optical converter. Eric.
  12. Personaly, I prefer using Mono...! I know, I know it's a bit lame, no stereo effects but the way I see it, it's compatible with ALL minidisc machines regardless, it's technically SP mode and it does the job of putting 2-3 or 4 albums on 1 MD. After a while I tend to forget it's in Mono.
  13. I also have an MZ-R70 and I have had a similar problem. I have discovered that burning audio cds using a specific version of nero would behave normaly during recording with the optical cable, however during playback I had 255 tracks and the last one was insanely long. Also, just a slight correction if I may, when digitaly coping CDs there are tiny changes that occur due to error correction. And when doing the same but between MDs, there is a cycle of decompression/compression each time. Also this to say that even though it's only 1s and 0s, they can be altered or changed.
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