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Everything posted by sulk

  1. sulk

    MZ-RH10 or NW-HD5?

    yea the seller buyfromjapan is where Id buy either one, and they have the japanese rh10 with the dock, and remote -sulk
  2. sulk

    MZ-RH10 or NW-HD5?

    Thanks for the link to the other forum, and I'm still trying to make up my mind. Buying a MD would get me a dock, and a remote, which i love. Though theres no storeage upgrade from highmd to another highmd, so yea, 20x more songs on the HD5 >_> -Sulk
  3. Hey, I've had two minidsc players in the past (mz-n707, 610d~), and ive also had experiences with ipods, and mp3 players. Basically I know that if i want to record and stffs, I should get a MD, though in the past with my mds, i havnt recorded much onto them, but Its good to know that you have that ability to record if you ever need to. So I dont know which one I should get, theyre both around the same price and they both have nice looks, but I guess I'd like to know if anyone has had any bad experiences with the HD5, or what are the bad things of the RH10. Thanks for any help, and please dont flame ^^; -Sulk
  4. Hmm, the ps2 optical thing, does it work only on audio, or dvds? can you record directly from games? Because I tried recording from my pstwo [slim], and it gives me the no copy message. Maybe its because im recording from a game? -Sulk
  5. Recently I bought some duracell rechargable batteries, and I've been using them fine. My MZ-N707, came with a Nickel Cadium battery, and when you put it on the stand, it will charge it, as long as its in there. I happened to put a NiMH battery into the unit, and put it on power, so i didnt have to use the battery, and it eventually auto turned off, and when I looked at it, it said it was charging it. So my question is, can/should the N707 be used to charge NiMH batteries, when its designed to chage nicd? I noticed on the duracell charging unit, thers a switch that has NiMH, and Nicd, so I'm assuming, theres a difference in the way it charges it, so is there a difference when charging the different types? It'd be helpful if someone just had a plain Yes, or no, etc, instead of redirecting me to battery university. Thanks -Sulk
  6. Again, theres free shipping on it, and mine came within 2 days, so its 9.99+Tax , and thats about it. So I'd reccomend buying it online, as its same as going in to store at some point, minus gas money/busfare [edit] Its free shipping from future shop, dunno about best buy[/edit] -Sulk
  7. This thing is pretty nice, I know in the picture it looks bad, but if you put in in a shelf, you only see the front part, and it looks nice since its clear. It functions really good, and its smooth, and it doesnt tip once its open.To open it, you just push the little button, and the whole tray slides out smoothly, its really good at that. And considering its only 9.99$ CDN, I really reccomend it, also cause theres free shipping. On the box, it says that Mirai is a Best Buy company, so its made by Best Buy, yet its not on the American best buy site. It says it can hold 20MD's but thats with their cases on, without cases it can hold around 25-30 [cant remember]. Also it can hold the sony 5 pack minidisc box, which is nice because i didnt think it would be able to.And also they are stackable, so you can stack more then one ontop of each other. Anyways, I reccomend people buy this, even if the picture doesnt look good, also its only 10$CDN, so its not a bid risk for wasting a lot of money. As for people in the US, or elsewhere I'm not sure if futureshop, or best buy canada ships internationally. ^Thats a picture of it open http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...id=&newdeptid=2 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...duct&id=1349676 -Sulk
  8. Theres a program called coverXP, its a program that is used to print out many different covers for different things [cds, dvds, cassettes, etc], and I just checked it and it has a preset for minidisc plastic container. But when i looked at the dimensions for it, its a little bit off, well atleast for my cases. For a sony MD case, its dimensions are 71mm x 52mm. But, you can create your own custom sizes, and print them out. Its based on pictures, so if you go into photoshop, or word or whatever, design your layout, and then import it into converxp, itll print it out for you. Also it will strech pictures if you want to. So you could reate any custom sized MD labels that you want using this program, and when you print them out, it has cutlines, and stuff, its a really good proggie. Also you can select different types of paper, so if your using avery stock, it has some presets to where to print on the paper, and for different companies. Id reccomend this program if you want to create MD labels, and print them out. The website is www.coverxp.com , they have a free version, as well as a trial for full version. I'm not sure if you can create/edit templates with the trial, but I think I could upload the templates if you gave me the dimensions. So you could use this program to create the spine labels if you want as well. So you guys should give it a try. -Sulk
  9. sulk

    New Md

    Hey, I know people have asked about buying mds, but I just have a question. I've had a MZ-N707 for a few years now(with hack), and ive been satisfied with it for a long time. I used an RM-MC12ELK, and it stopped putting output in the left channel, unless i hit a lot, and then it just stopped putting sound in that channel. So I went to buy a new one, and I lost the auction, so to buy a new one itd cost about 80-90$USD, and I only had 163$CDN to spend on something, so i decided to buy a new MD, but my chances of getting a decent Hi-MD were pretty low on that price. So I bought a 600D, and I was really happy considering I couldnt put songs onto my N707(software problems i think), so a new MD would be great. After reading reviews and stuffs, i found out that 600D, isnt as good as i thought it was going to be. Now I realize that the 600D doesnt have remote capabilites, and I'm feeling that I kinda asted my money on it, though I did get it for a good price(111$CDN), so I'm thinking of possibly getting a new MD in the future. I know with the introduction of 2nd gen(thoses are the ones coming out soon ?) So I guess my question is since the 600D doesnt have remote functions, and that's one of the reasons that I liked MD's was because of remotes, should I wait till 2nd gen come out to buy one of those, or get like a nz1 is it, once the 2nd come out they should go down in price. Gwah, pretty much, i got off track, i think >_>; Umm i think my question is when the 2nd gens come out, or whatever the new models coming out are, should i get one of those, a good quality/best of those, or the nz1 of the current himds. Im hoping that theyd come with a remote, so thatd i wouldnt have to buy one of those, or just buy the Nz1. Ya ^^;;, i kinda got off target there, and said tons of stuffs, but anyways, ya, which should I get, good/best of 2nd gen or nz1 when it comes out, price isnt a factor as Id be able to get either, but i guess if price isnt an object, then the 2nd gen would be good >.<; gwah im kinda answering myself, but ya pretty much, 2nd gen or himd best model now. thanks if you read it all and can give a good response, and does anyone know if all of the 2nd gen will have camera, or if there will be certain ones without them, thatd be cheaper, as i think its not something that id be interested a lot, since itd be in pocket a lot. >_>; ill answer any questions people have f any, but ya, could someone help me decide? -sulk
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