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Everything posted by classicalnut

  1. Thanks Gerry, Have been looking at some of your mikes as a possibility. Thanks again for your quick reply.
  2. I'm in the market for new mikes and see the following 1. frequency response 2. signal to noise ratio 3. open circuit sensitivity 4. dynamic range. What should I be looking for in good mikes? What numbers are good in each catagory. Thanks, classicalnut
  3. dex, you mentioned that Hi-MD will do the a digital transfer, what programs do you use and will this allow then a burning to cd. Thanks
  4. Has anyone used the Xitel and is it as easy and good as they claim it to be? Looking for a better way to go from my md to computer. Any responses would be appreciated. Thanks, classicalnut
  5. I currently own a MM in ear binaural mike which I love. Looking for a step up model that I can use to record into my MZN-10. I record mainly choral, classical and pipe organ. Not sure what to go for. I run my mike through a denecke AD20 then into minidisc. If anyone could possibly help me with the next step up would be greatly appreciated. Don't want to spend much more than around $250.00 Peace
  6. Looking to trade two AT3035 mikes for either of the following Soundprofessional mikes. 1. SP-CMC-6 2. SP-BMC-10 you can e-mail at musiccentervc@cbnstl.com or pm me, Thanks,
  7. I hate to disagree but you can get a great recording with minidisc and then transfer analog to omputer without much loss at all. I record piano all the time both myself and others and nobody has complained about the sound when I then burn a cd. You might want to try a better microphone. I use a couple of different ones depending on the situation. My first choice is the Rode Stereo NT4 and my second is two Earthworks SRO. So much depends on the type of piano, microphone placement and the room you are recording in that you will just have to experiment.
  8. Where is a good place to buy microphones other than Sound Professionals and Core Sound? I have found these places to be somewhat impressed with themselves. Maybe it's just me but if you don't agrree with them or have another opiinion they would rather not be bothered. One of these places even treated me as if I was an idiot when I asked a simple question. Other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Does anyone have suggestions on the best stereo microphone to use for recording classical choral music? The mike doesn't have to be stealth because the recordins are being made with the groups permission. I have a Sony MZ-N10. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,
  10. Does a mic pre-amp actually work better than the mic in on a recorder? I record mainly classical music. I have seen many adds for these and was wondering if they do indeed make a difference and which one does everyone suggest using. Thanks, Classicalnut
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