The thing is, that with Hi-MD and now the ability to handle MP3s natively, I just don't see why it isn't high time Sony finally gets other manufacturers in on it and kick some Apple ass! With sales of MP3 players being what they are, the market has possibly never been more primed for an all-out MD assault. I've long said one of the biggest reasons that MD never took off in the States is because Sony didn't market it correctly from Day 1. There's one reason alone that the iPod is friggin' everywhere, and that's Apple's hyper-aggressive marketing campaign with celebrities and the whole works. Now that there's a marketing model in place for this type of gear, Sony (and the rest of us) just have to convince the brain-dead public that Hi-MD is a valid competitor and that you don't need to be some audiophile techie geek to understand how to use MD in general. We all have stories of turning other people on to MD and if that cycle would just repeat over and over, along with some help from Sony's deep-pocketed marketing department, we'd be off and rollin'. It's just sad that 10 years now since I got my first MD rig, it's still a largely misunderstood, underappreciated format. I know it's extremely naive, but everybody tell a friend, and tell them to tell their friends, and then have them tell some big-wig Sony execs!! Long live MD!!