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Everything posted by Karlos

  1. Of course our very own admins (Eric et.al.) keep up the good work of promoting our community to Sony. I don't see much changing but I do wish the MDCF & kurisu's sonyinsider will be a voice they hear... this time...
  2. Nope, they'll never turn the Sony ship around in time to avoid the rocks... Sony Pics CEO Laymon Lynton says he "doesn't see anything good having come from the Internet" Spotted on BoingBoingGadgets Sony are over ten years too late to clean out the dead wood who held on to a failing business model and doomed the company. I'm just looking through the old posts on these boards over those years and seeing some pretty clear warnings and good advice to Sony from customers who were fans of their product when it had the lead in portable digital players (MD still has the lead for indie bands who live record and in sound quality for audiophiles). Heck, the board gurus even did their own hacks and built software to do what Sony should have in the first place. This comment by a Sony CEO shows that Sony were/are too dumb to survive, all the signs and omens were on his useless "internet" years before Sony even noticed they were losing the digital market, members of this forum contacted Sony insiders practically pleading with them to pass on the advice that DRM and non-Open Source would be the death of a great product but were only able to see progress too-little-too-late. Sony kept a stranglehold on its dwindling fanbase by drip-feeding less restrictive "features" instead of opening up native-mp3 and allowing DRM free uploads/downloads which if done early enough would have captured the market for it's future flash players (they've always had better sound and build quality). Sony haven't learned, and unless Stringer makes fools like CEO Laymon Lynton walk the plank they're well and truly sunk.
  3. I have the same problem! I've just had a look around the www.css.ap.sony.com site and discovered that a download of ss2.3 is available at - http://www.css.ap.sony.com/vaio/download/s...ry.asp?Id=30966 It's for the VAIO though, and is only 36.2MB, I'm still at work so haven't tried it on my home PC yet. Does anyone have an idea if this download will work... or am I being a little optimistic? Also "MZ-NH1's" earlier post mentioned that SimpleBurner disappeared after the install, I use that almost exclusively (I'm lucky enough to have access to over 30,000 CDs so you can see the appeal) and it would be a real pain to have to re-install & find the patches & fixes again... and then have it not work! So before I try anything I'd like to know how the SimpleBurner reinstall went. Anyway I've only got a mz n707 so is the upgrage even worth it as I can't see SimpleBurner transfer speed being affected. Any ideas on this kurisu?
  4. Thanks, :smile: I thought that might be the case. I'll try again off-peak (U.S.) But might have to bite the bullet and go the Sony way. Cheers
  5. Hi, This is my first post. I'm experiencing very long download times of iceedtea's SonicStage2 build. It's unusual as I'm using my work connection which is usually light'nin-fast! The plan was to dump it to my USB key then install it on my (dial-up) home PC. :whatever: No such luck... anyone had any difficulty lately? or is it just me? Hopefully it's around somewhere as a zip file... Anyway a couple more questions, I never got around to getting the previous SonicStage version, I just had ye olde OpenMG and had dowloaded SimpleBurner (Sony never provided it on the CD in N.Z.). Long story short - does the ss2 software contain a version of SimpleBurner built in or should I download the older ss+simpleburner combo and fuggeddabout iceedtea's excellent ss2 build. apologies for the rambling post- just had to get it off my chest
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