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Everything posted by javertim

  1. Only a few hours left and bidding is only at $152.50.
  2. They're in excellent shape! :-) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=014
  3. I found a few more things that I decided to include with this auction, so you may want to try the link again. :-)
  4. Yet another one of my minidisc items prepares to move onto a good home. :-) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=014
  5. Again, I've decided to go solid state. It's sad that I must part with this, but I am just too poor. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=014 Thanks for looking! :-)
  6. I've finally decided to go solid state ... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=014 There were two people who were upset by the fact that I didn't make my MZ-RH910 available to buyers outside of the U.S. This is not the case this go-around. :-)
  7. It's a little late, but I figured I would let everyone know that I'm finally selling my trusty old RH910. It's had a good life and still works beautifully, but with the RH1 in my arsenal, it seldom sees any use nowadays. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=014 Thanks for looking! :-)
  8. Yes, I tried zooming in with Audition, but no matter what I did I was not able to clear out the click that occurred every three minutes. It seems that whenever a file was saved as .WAV from SonicStage, some tiny little fragment of information was lopped off the end.
  9. Thanks! I tried that and it worked on both the RH1 and the RH910. However, now when I try to upload the disc, it gets to about 20% and then continuously starts over again. Any ideas what's going on here? ... Sorry to be so needy, I'm just trying to realize the full capabilities of my RH1 and so far the legacy uploading feature has been nothing but a headache. Thanks again. ETA: Okay, so I just let it do it's thing (starting over and all) and it eventually uploaded the whole thing without any problems regarding track marks (well, I erased them on the disc), etc. Thanks for all your help, Raintheory! :-)
  10. I knew I was forgetting something ... I've tried doing this, but see no option on the recorder or how to do it in the manual.
  11. There was a topic on here that described my problem in detail, but I assume it was deleted because I can no longer find it ... Anyway, my problem lies in that whenever I upload MDLP recordings to my computer with my RH1, there would be little areas where about one second worth of information was dropped out. Thus, if a lyric was "the world is growing strange," it would sound something like "the worl--ange." Now, these are recordings that I recorded with a mic and not downloaded NetMD recordings. The transfer window in SonicStage says they are NetMD recordings, but they weren't even recorded on a NetMD recorder. Oh, well. So, I recently realized something ... When recording, I used to set have the recorder make an automatic track every three minutes in order to quickly go to any part of the recording I wanted to immediately after the performance. And, guess what! -- All the dropped samples happen at the area of the track mark. So, when listening to the recording via SonicStage and the phones-out jack on the RH1, the recording plays seamlessly. But when I upload to my computer and use the "combine" function, the problems start. I have also tried to save each individually uploaded file as a WAV and then combine them in Adobe Audition myself, but this produces a very audible gap/clip between combined files. Does anyone have a solution for me? When I upload Hi-MD recordings with the RH1 and use the combine feature everything works fine (even when combining upwards of 80 tracks at once). No idea what to do. :-( Thanks!
  12. I recently made a very nice, clear, distortion-free recording of an event. Only problem is the space was very drafty that night, and despite my use of some heavy-duty windscreens, the recording is cluttered with "wind noise." Is there a way to isolate the frequency of the noise and drop it? Of course it's going to make the recording sound a lot worse without that frequency, but I'd like to try it and see what it sounds like. And, if this is possible, how could I do it? I would assume that using "Noise Reduction" in Audition wouldn't be suitable ... But maybe that IS what I want? A440? Thanks! :-)
  13. I am the proud owner of a new RH1 and I love it. However, every single SP disc that I upload to my computer contains moments where audio is dropped, literally snipped out. It's just like if I were to go into Audacity or any other program, highlight about 1/2 a second of sound and delete it, so that there is a very noticeable skip (and, even more unfortunate, lost information/audio!). Has anyone else had this problem? I am using the cable that was supplied with the unit, coils and all. So far, even though I enjoy the unit for its powerful recording features, the legacy upload feature has me INCREDIBLY disappointed.
  14. Yes, I have tried several discs, both new (out-of-the-package) and formerly used. Additionally, I have run a cleaner through the unit several times with no success. I was just thinking about opening up the unit, since I am out of warranty, but I haven't been able to do this. I have removed the two tiny screws at the hinge but I cannot seem to lift off the lid. I tried searching the forums (and the net) for directions on opening a unit but was unable to find anything. Would you be able to tell me how to do so? Btw, I figured out that the reason the unit was shutting off was due to a low battery (apparently something is also wrong with the battery life indicator, but I am less concerned with this). So, now I am back to the constant clicking sound when the recording is underway. Somehow, the unit got through the "System File Writing" screen this time and was able to save something of what I test-recorded. I was able to record 25 seconds of audio before stopping it (manually), but the only seconds 10-18 are playable. Additionally, upon letting the unit shut down and then trying to replay the disc, I encounter a "Read Error."
  15. So, my RH10 unit is well out of warranty and has really only been used for playing (I use my RH910 for recording, usually). In fact, I've only recorded with it maybe 3-4 times since I bought it last December. Recently, I have tried recording with this unit and it has started making weird "clicking" sounds after about 8 seconds. After trying to stop it and simply start over, I found that it would not save any of the information and constantly got stuck on the "System File Writing" screen. More recently (today), I have tried recording with it again and now the unit shuts down completely (black screen) after 6 seconds worth of recording. So, I guess I'm screwed, with the unit being out of the 1-year warranty. It has never been dropped and has been well cared for. I was wondering if anyone else has ever had this kind of problem before and, if so, how it was resolved. I have no idea what to do. :-( Thanks.
  16. I posted an error report on here a few months back. Whenever I record something with my RH10 via mic-in or line-in, the unit makes a continuous series of "clicking" noises as it records (my fully-functional RH910 does not do this). Also, when I stop the recording, the "System File Writing" screen displays on the unit FOREVER (upwards of an hour in some instances). In fact, it has never completed this cycle and I have just repeatedly removed the battery. Is there anyone out there that has had similar problems and has found a way to fix their unit? Or, is there someone out there that would be willing to take a look at mine. I originally only used this unit for playback and my RH910 for recording, but the urge to record more nighttime events has warranted the use of the RH10. Also, I'm very upset that Sony is not willing to help me out at all with this. Is it my fault that I didn't use the recording feature on this unit until after the 3-month warranty was up? I have paid $230 for something that only half-works. Thanks a lot, Sony. Tim
  17. I used to have an MZ-N707 and know that when I was recording with a microphone via the mic-in and was recording on manual level(s), I did not have the pause the recorder in order to change the level. I just hit the REW and FWD buttons and it worked.
  18. Hello all. This is a Hi-MD and Live Recording related topic, so I figured it would be best in this forum. Anyway, I have tons of live recordings on my computer that were originally recorded in Hi-SP. I transferred them to the computer "as is" and then saved them as WAVs before editing them in Adobe Audition. I would like to archive these recordings. First of all, I will be burning them as files onto a DVD-R and storing those away from dust, etc. I will also be burning them to CD just in case someone should happen to want a copy (in which case I can just burn a CD copy from the original CD). Lastly, and this is the part I'm unsure of, I would like to burn the EDITED version back to the original MDs. I know that most people will say that this is not a good idea as it's always good to have an original untouched master copy somewhere, but I'm not so concerned ... So, if I use Simple Burner to burn back to the original MD in Hi-SP mode from the CD copy (semi-complicated, sorry) am I going to experience any quality loss? I would assume no, since the original was recorded in Hi-SP, and I not believe any editing in Audition would have done anything to the original, whether it was saved as a WAV or what. Am I correct in assuming this? Thanks! :-)
  19. Actually, I purchased online through Digital Foto Club (digitalfotoclub.com). They had the best price at the time and I had gotten my RH910 from them, so it seemed like a good fit. I did purchase with a credit card, so I will have to look into an automatic extended warranty where that is concerned. Thanks for the advice! Any other information is still very much appreciated. :-)
  20. Hello all. It's been a while since I've posted here. I purchased an RH910 back in August and have been thrilled with it. It has never given me problems and all of my recordings have come out wonderfully. Then, back in the month of December, I decided to purchase an RH10 for night recordings. The display is wonderful and the unit itself is really quite beautiful. However, I have had numerous problems with my RH10 where live recording is concerned. The two main problems are listed below: (1) Almost every time I set up to record a long set (either a school lecture or live music), the recorder stops somewhere around 15-25 minutes into the recording. This has happened when using both the line-in (with a battery module) as well as the mic-in (without battery module). Each time, the internal battery has been fully-charged and the AA attachment has been added on with a fresh AA battery. Additionally, sometimes the disc gets written, others it does not. Which leads me to problem #2 ... (2) When I actually DO make it through a recording (which usually means it was a short one), the DATA SAVE process takes a lot longer than it does with my RH910 (sometimes up to 1 minute). Then, the SYSTEM FILE WRITING process goes on without an end in sight. I have had this step last up to 5 minutes, after which I have removed both batteries to get it to stop. On the rare occurrence that everything does work, I generally get lots of little drop-outs in the recording itself, even when using a properly formatted 80-min MD (I have heard that drop-outs happen all-too-often on the 1 GB Hi-MD discs). So, therein lies the problem. Moreover, I do not know what to do. The unit hasn't been used very much, but it is definitely not in pristine condition (light scratches here and there). I know I would not be able to return it to the vendor. I am almost positive that I purchased an additional warranty, and if my memory serves me correctly, don't most Sony products come with a standard 2-Year warranty anyway (it's either that or the shop that I buy from comes with it). I can never really keep that straight. Anyway,if anyone has any advice, it would be very much appreciated. I would either like to have the problem fixed or get a replacement unit. Thanks! :-) Tim
  21. I haven't really noticed any improvements in sound quality, no. However, I have noticed no degradation, either. And the lack of bass roll-off is fine for me, since I'm using a set of cardioid mics that already limit the low end a little anyway. :-)
  22. Slightly OT, but I must say that the 12v battery modules are TINY. Especially the one that SP makes. I removed the detachable belt-clip from mine and I swear I can fit that thing just about anywhere. Definitely a step-up in terms of stealth audio. ;-) Tim
  23. On eBay here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MESE:IT :-) Tim
  24. Attenuator Cable SOLD. The cases are all I have left. Please, someone make me an offer. :-) Tim
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