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About indeego

  • Birthday 09/23/1984

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  • PlayStation Network ID
    used: MZ-R50,MZ-N1,MZ-N10, now: MZ-NH1, MZ-NH600

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indeego's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hab gesehen dass beim Geizhals immer weniger MDrecorder drin sind

    Dann wünsch ich dir alles Gute. Bonjour monseur!!

  2. Jo, kann ich, bin im Erasmusprogramm und verbringe ein Semester hier.

  3. Kann du gut Französisch? Was machst du dort? Bis bald.

  4. Hey, Danke, mir geht's gut ;-) bin derzeit in Frankreich und mit dem Internet hapert es noch..


  5. Same here, bought a remote from him, would do it again
  6. Ok, there is no reason to sell one of these great units, but at least I'll have to try Please units in good condition only. Shipping to Germany needed.
  7. No need to, I am looking for a blue one only. Thanks anyway
  8. Is this a silver or blue MZ-N1 and how much is shipping to germany?
  9. Good Luck to you and your team, Christopher
  10. Hey Marc, I can't tell you how surprised I was to see a new version of your great software. That being said, I am sorry to say it's not working for me. It crashes when I try to scan a Hi-MD. i attached the error log for you. Anyway, nice to see development 3d96_appcompat.txt
  11. Sounds kind of a nostalgic retrospective - the function within SonicStage I enjoy most is "Get CD Info" for imported files/folders .. very helpful. However, drag'n'drop is way better than SonicStage, I simply wouldn't use sony's WALKMAN software to do it
  12. Well, not as far as I (and hopefully Sony) know(s)
  13. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Ishiyoshi! All the best for you - hope you'll have a great day
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