Guh. Now that HiMD allows me to upload, I've started converting some of my old record collection to MP3 using my MZ-NHF800 as the recording device from the record player, uploading to the PC. I record two albums, and upload them both (a couple crusty Mylon Lefevre albums if you care!). I then edit both (track breaking, compression, etc), save out to .wav, and then compress to MP3 (which is what I convert everything in my library to). All tracks up to this point sound just fine. After tagging, I import both albums into SS 2.3, select both for transfer, and then hit the transfer button. The first album transfers just fine, the second throws the following error: "Transfer rights for this track do not allow transfers to devices/media." This also occasionally happens with MP3's I've downloaded or ripped from CD, and it happens to every track in the album, not just to a track here and there. Anybody have a quick fix other than recording an ISO image and re-ripping through SS? This is beyond stupid. SONY FIX YOUR SOFTWARE.