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Everything posted by not_worth_asking

  1. Dude you are a genius! That is an awesome idea, the only thing i hate about my NH1 is the lack of a battery back up! Now i don't know too much about electrnics and circutry, but will this method have any chance of doing permanent damage to the NH1 unit? with the voltage needing to be 6V and all? is it still regulated? as i said i don't know enough about it but how safe is what your doing? How much would you charge to make one for me?
  2. Hey everyone, i just found this site while trying to search the net for an alternative to sony's stupid sonic stage piece of crap restrictive sofware, and i'm glad i did. Just wanted to say thanks for already giving me some ideas and info that i either hadn't thought of yet or hadn't been game to test out yet. i use my Hi-md primarily for recording bands, and all i want to do is reliably transfer the md recordings digitally to CD, but while keeping the original MD disc (master) untouched and available for future transfers. My understanding so far tells me that SS will not let me, meaning it will re-write the master disc with a copy protection once the track has been transferred. Has anyone found a way around this? I really couldn't be bothered backing up my masters, i just want to wait until a transfer option is made possible where the MD used is write protected. Will this / can this happen?
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