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  1. thanks for the reply those 2nd gen hi-md units look damm cool and the new net md's look nice too, but they will probably be very expensive think i should save up the extra for a hi-md, looking at the 900 as it looks the best in my opinion, has a remote and has optical conections, but the battery is pretty bad who knows if the NH1 price drops low enough i may have one when are the 2nd gen ones coming out in april? once again thanks for the help
  2. dont know really, maybe: sony are trying to cut corners with their new products and are not as reliable/strong etc as their origional products? or the fact that china are mass producing ultra cheap mp3 players and people are buying these in favour of sony's more expensive HDD players?? hope this helps- ill be doing my AS coursework in a few years time
  3. hi all i have used a mz g755 minidisc player for over 3 years now and i want to upgrade i was thinking of getting a sony hd3 but i dont have that much cash i was thinking of getting a hi md but i dont really want to pay that much i really want a backlit remote and the nh900 is the only one with one (and looks so cool) but is a bit out of my range so i thought about net md's they are so cheap on ebay in and i was looking at the mz-n10-the best looking but most expensive mz-n1- cheapest of the bunch but i am unsure about the control mz-910- huge battery life, but not as good looking and i was hoping some one could tell me their opinions on these players finally is there any way i could get the 3gb of music from my computer to my non net md with, say a usb to optical lead? or a minidisc drive?? or do i have to buy a net md player many thanks
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