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Everything posted by minispecs
Wow, that's one crazy enthusiast. They know that minidiscs are awesome...perhaps they are mentally ill and don't want to ever run out of machines to play the discs on. Maybe they will buy my Sony 8 track recorder too :-) Just kidding, I wouldn't want to equate the two, and I'm not ready to part with my 8 track recorder because I haven't got it working yet! I did buy a RH1 (m200?) in a panic because I was afraid I'd never see minidiscs again. Plus, it's a pretty awesome recorder...albeit pricey as all get go. So cute and little and does so many things I wished my little R37 would have! This is my fifth and possibly final recorder. minispecs
I thought that Simple Burner was just a high speed transfer of the music from CD to the Minidisc. Mine plays the CD through the speaker on the computer. Looking at that system, it only has headphone out and Optical in...have you hooked this bookshelf unit to your computer? It says it does Net MD...maybe you need to hit pause record to hear via optical? I'm no expert! I hope someone can find your answer. I'm sure I'm misunderstanding your setup. What version of Sonic Stage are you using? http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_CMT-M333NT+M373NT.html Minispecs
Thank you guys so much for your replies. I was so freaked out that I used the Attenuator and mic in. I put my levels really low and just left it, afraid to change it. It's not bad at all, but it is fairly quiet when my volume is maxed on my player...I suppose I can fix that with software...No distortion as of yet to be heard! Thanks for helping us fairweather tapers out! I wish I had more technical understanding so I could make better decisions. I also wish I weren't so chicken. They wouldn't have noticed my Battery Box if I had taken it in. I'll try to remember this next year when I'm ready to record again so I don't bug y'all...that, or I'll try to get organized at least a couple weeks ahead of time. I just didn't know if my mics would make it in time and then the dominoes started falling when they did arrive. Now my computer at home has crashed from some kind of BIOS attack or other. At least these are personal momentos for me and not something I'd really want to try and be serious about sharing except for those with very patient ears. I hope someone else was taping!! :-) minispecs
Okay, very last minute, just got my new in ear mics in the post today, the other in ear mics gave out wires pulled? Here: RH10 recorder In Ear Binaurals Sound Pros I have an RS Attenuator I have a Battery Pack with level select and bass rolloff I have HiMD discs So, I'm going to a rock concert in a largish hall, will be kinda loud. I'll be up front in the venue (this is for Thursday the 2nd of May!) GA, right against the stage (yeah, not the best, I don't care)! There will be bass at times, sometimes heavy sometimes not Should I do Line in with the Batt box, or do you think the attenuator will take care of the excess bass? I hate, hate, hate the extra battery box for security purposes (it's rather large) and I have no experience with this recorder and line in (I can turn the time marks off). This is the only show I will see this tour. What's the least risk filled with the best reward? Any experiences positive or negative? I want simple but I also don't want to get home to find even a little of that awful distortion. Batt box, right? Attenuator Mic In, is so tempting due to size...I hate this experimentation and decision making. Help in either direction? If I lower the levels enough, will the attenuator take care of the clipping? I've re-read stuff and now I'm getting confused once again! Last I recorded was Symphony and after that it was a quieter rock show. I used the attenuator with good results, but the batt box reviews are also tempting, but I haven't used that since I stopped using the R37. minispecs!
Thanks! I've been working with the Audacity and it's no easier than anything I've come across as of yet, but I seem to be making headway! I just wish there were a program out there that could just take one level that you can set and match all of the previous or the post recording levels to that level. I love my Minidisc!! Thanks for the advice, I'll just have to muddle through and do it manually! Goodness this is complicated some times! :-) Drat that I am concerned with the recording levels when I'm trying to enjoy a show. I'll take your advice next time and try with one straight level. Seems to be the most prudent... :-( minispecs
Heya. Just wondering if you can recommend a (hopefully free) software that can take a wav file recording from Minidisc and transform all of the recording to one level once you've taken the levels up and down while recording without separating the offensive loud parts? I mean I could probably take it down by looking at the levels but is there any software that will take the whole recording and make it all the same volume? I ask because I have recordings that I've started louder and then reduced the volume later so as not to have it hit its limits by hitting the limits on the bass (on the recorder). Does this make any sense? :-) I just hope for something that works like "Normalize" but on a whole .wav file to get all the songs at the same level, as opposed to cutting the wav file up and volumizing parts and lowering the volume on other parts. minispecs
I'm curious as to what this setup looks like. Do you have pictures? I'd love to see them. Also, I'm trying to imagine what a show recorded from the rear sounds like! Do you have any clips? Minispecs!
Low Volta please marry me! :-) You are the best!!! I adore your setup and your stealth mode! Okay, so I'm overeacting, but heck you are one cool dude! I could only dream to be you! But I try...with my in ear mics...they really don't work that great. I hope to try something else, but I find myself up front most of the time since I'm a fan! minispecs
Goodness, you get some freakin' great recordings! I only wish you were a Costello fan! Darn. Well heck, I'm going to tap you for more info if he ever tours again! minispecs!
Egads...more recording mistakes than I care to remember!! Once I had a show where I brought what I thought was a blank and I taped over a perfect, perfect, perfect recording!! I was and still am so bummed on that one. Oh god WHY didn't I check that the disc was empty first! I blame that stupid Sony thing where it records from the beginning unless you seek the end first (on older machines). Then I've had mics coming unattached, and recordings just dissappearing (probably battery issues) and then there's the lovely audience noise :-). Next I've had recordings ruined by my own enthusiasm...I'm not the best at staying quiet when I love the act. Some others, are ones where I recorded from beneath my feet (being a scaredy cat). Another one was ruined by having the wrong levels of course! Another one that was particularly important ruined by using new equipment and not having the balls to bring my bass reduction equipment into (stealth of course). What else? Jumping up and down and dancing and losing a couple of seconds to the skipping! I'm a fan first and a recordist second. Can't we just set up a recorder for hire thing? I'd pay ticket price to have a recorder come in and watch a show from the best spot and not talk or dance, and get a great recording! :-)
This Can't Be happening! Lost live recording?
minispecs replied to minispecs's topic in Live Recording
I'm the hugest recording dork out there. The disc was just misplaced! The other recording that didn't turn out, I have no idea what happened there, but that was probably user error too...however the recording is acting funny while playing back, which makes me suspicious of the disc. Why oh why do I always mess up the most important recordings while the ones I could care less about go well? Ah well, no worries...thanks for playing! I'm such a doofus. minispecs (panicking for nothing) -
Okay, so I heard the recording the same night...well rather I ffwd'd through it and it sounded fine, it was there at any rate. Now I can't find a disc that has the live stuff on it. Has anyone lost a whole recording? Then the next night, I thought I was fine, but it only turned out one song. That was forgivable I thought since it was down my skirt and I didn't take much care. But one song out of the whole night? I've recorded whole shows before! This is with my new MZ-RH10 I'm so completely bummed. How could the whole thing disappear!!?? This is highly abnormal. Is there one completely delete button that is easier to access when you're not paying attention? Sob minispecs.
I believe in order to record from the end of a previous recording you have to hit the end search button, I taped over one of my best recordings because of that darned R37. Make sure you have blank minidiscs if you are concerned. Also, remember to hit end search so it goes to the end of the previous minidisc recordings to start recording. Of course I'm citing this all from memory, I could be wrong since I don't have the manual or the machine in front of me. minispecs
That's the exact thing that happened to mine, I purchased mine in March (and no AVLS wasn't on)! I returned it to Amazon, it was easy, but you probably didn't have that option. SUCKS! I also panicked at how easily the volume didn't work on it that I also went to eBay and purchased a used RM-MC40ELK based upon recommendations here. It arrived today and I'm just getting used to it. I came here to find out if there were any hacks I needed to make it even better! Best of luck in finding a remote that works for you. Obviously the remotes aren't being made well, mine wasn't working within a week. minispecs
Aha, maybe I maxed out! The titles on these albums are pretty wordy...I'm not going to bother counting either :-) It's basically every song that Elvis Costello has put out including bonus tracks on one - 1GB disc in 48 kbps. Sounds pretty great too, amazingly :-) minispecs
Thanks for the confirmation on quality, I feel better now that I've actually lost my Sony battery , and duh-me, I put the model name rather than manufacturer for Gold Peak minispecs (who notes that it's still around $26 for the charger and two batteries shipped from that site!)
Hello, I can't find it in the user guide...is there a limit on characters for titling on a 1GB disc? I've put a gazillion albums on one disc and after a while the titles just stopped transferring. I tried deleting the album and reloading it and the titles show up on Simple Burner but they don't make it onto the disc. It just groups them and that's it. I don't like it because I can't tell exactly what I'm listening to. Is there a limit or is there something wrong with the software or the CDs I'm trying to put on the disc? Forgive me if this is a stupid question :-) This is on an RH10 with a 1GB disc btw. minispecs
http://www.budgetbatteries.com/cgi-bin/sto...0942&_pageid=16 I purchased the above charger that comes with two 1450 batteries. It seems to work fine. I completely discharge (until the player beeps and goes dead) before recharging. I haven't had any swelling problems. I also don't like to charge in the machine for some reason. These don't seem to last as long as the 1400 that came with my RH10 (it wasn't a 10W), but I believe they will improve over time. I really like my charger and the company I purchased it from had it inexpensive and shipped I think I paid $25 for the charger and the two batts included. Any warnings on this brand of battery or charger? It's PowerBank Audio. minispecs
So touching the controls is what makes the noise? I have ordered a 40 remote just because my MD case is not see through and I like to see what I'm listening to! I hope it's in pretty good shape because I paid a bunch for it and it's listed as "used" which I saw way too late. Thanks for the advice...I don't know how I got it in my head that the attenuator needed to go Line in...I've recorded with it before! It's been a couple years though :-) I'm just happy to have had a great recording for the most part! Now to figure out how to normalize just one track where I did my noodling! ;-) minispecs
11 to 15 is the range I kept it in the entire time. The amplified voice over the symphony was way too high at 15 so I took it down to 11 or 12 and it was fixed. The clapping was way too loud too :-) I started with the line in option with the attenuator, and I didn't see any levels, so I just went back to mic in and it was fine for the second part with the amplified vocals. All in all it was a success, but I had to keep checking my unit, and I *hate* doing that, it's so obnoxious and obvious. I really hope that Sony comes out with a remote for the RH1 that lets you control recording and lets you see levels without producing audible interference. I'd be in heaven with this setup...even better if they could make the remote look like a watch so I could just place the setup in my clothes and control it from my wrist, they can even steal my idea if they like...but that's too much to dream for I suppose :-) minispecs
Totally agree! I'm always singing it's praises (of my newest purchase) and the response I get is the pat "isn't the minidisc old technology...it's on it's way out, right?" and I defend it's honor, but it'd be nice if the public knew it was "hip" technology rather than a dinosaur, by way of cool television ads! Sell it to the MP3 crowds! Then again, I like that I have an "exlusive" product...makes me feel special . However, I also don't like the feeling that I've been supportive of something that will no longer have support and will go the way of betamax (Heaven Forfend!) At any rate, I purchased a Sony 8 track recorder the other year...I am a little sentimental. minispecs
Thanks so much A440! I enjoy the tip to check levels during the tuning, as that's the kind of thing I'd never think of until the time had passed :-). Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely try those combos and levels and choices. I'm almost sure there'll be a break, but you never know with this particular artist. I know the first half is a symphonic suite, and then comes either symphony with voice on mic, or maybe they'll add an electric guitar in there (most likely a wired acoustic guitar, so yes, amplified). I guess I'll have to be really, really quiet in comparison with a rock concert...I think I remember that other recording of a quieter show having seat creaks and cough drop wrappers in it! I'll also have to air clap to keep that annoying snap, snap, snap of my hands down to a minimum. I can't wait to give the RH10 a test run! Thank you especially for your ideas on level settings. I can of course look at the display at times, but I want to keep my fussing to a minimum so I can enjoy the show and not make it all about getting a recording. I do tend to kick myself heartily each time a recording fails, so I seem to stress out a little Who knew I could be such a perfectionist? I should transfer this work ethic over into my professional life and make tons of money! minispecs
Equipment I have at my disposal: R37 R700 (no good results with this puppy...made me sad to have totally ruined recordings) RH10 in ear binaurals from Sound Pros (I think they're regular sensitivity) Battery Box with Bass rolloff switch and level sliders Radio Shack attenuator I'm going to record symphonic music and then most likely piano and guitar and vocals. What are y'all's recommendations for level settings out of 30 on the RH10? I don't think I want to go backwards to my R37 but I only have experience recording well (rock concerts where distraction works in my favor to switch discs) on that older unit, with the batt box and bass rolloff, or by just adjusting the level to a lower setting (goodness I wish I could remember my settings from the days of 2002). I don't want to switch Discs so I thought perhaps I'd do HiSP on the RH10 on an 80 minute disc. Is Hi-SP good enough or should I bring two 1GB discs and do PCM and a disc swap? What lineup of the mics and other options/boxes work best for this situation, the most stealthy with the best results? I've gone to the gallery to see if anyone has symphonic and what their equipment and levels might be, but I've come up emptyhanded or else I'm just missing something :-). If I've done my homework, it should be in-ear binaurals->attenuator->RH10 mic in with the attenuator turned all the way up? Or is that overkill for the symphony...which could get *almost* as loud as a rock show I'd imagine! I'll be in the fourth row, not the best for sound of course, but I want my first live recording on my RH10 to go easily :-) I'm going to bring the AA battery and extra discs probably. Any other warnings or thoughts to think of? I know the writing to disc process takes forever on HiMD so I'd like to do one disc if possible. My biggest thing is I want to set it and forget it I'd say. I can test with my stereo I suppose, but I'd love your input! Thanks! minispecs
I'm terribly excited by this information...shame I've only had my RH10 for three weeks! Still, one day I hope to own this RH1! It's total motivation to get a high paying job :-) I like the display being on the side...much more stealthy to sneak a look, and that recording control along with the time/date stamp...well, I'm really, really dying to get my hands on one! Now if only they have a great remote that would allow control over starting and stopping recording, and a recording level/status monitor on the remote so you don't have to take out the whole machine to check and see that it's doing its thing! minispecs