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  1. sonic stage 3.4 is perfect!!! HIMD is now the best digital music player/recorder!!!
  2. Surov, can you post an example of your mp3? I would like to ear what muddy is
  3. mp3 playback on my RH10 is as good as mp3 playback on my computer, it cuts high frequencies (it comes from the mp3 format) at low biterates and is very good at high bitrates. I made some tests myself with cool edit pro and its frequency analyser, i compared the original MP3 file and a recording of the same mp3 played with my RH10 and the result was the same, it sounds the same to my ears too... so I disagree with all I have read about mp3 playback with the new units on this forum... all I can say is that atrac don't cut high frequencies as MP3, so it sounds better, but to my mind it's a format limitation, not the unit. (sorry for my english)
  4. the tweak change only the output power, not the input, the recordings quality will be the same.
  5. It's a feature of the RH10 (and all HIMD I think), it's written in the user manual. (page 54)
  6. i've got the same problem when i record wav tracks on the RH10 with sonicstage, but when record in PCM with the RH10 using the optical or "line in" I don't have any noise. I think it's a sonicstage problem. I will try it again with the updates.
  7. is it possible to have the volume restriction on a canadian RH10? I would like to try it to test if there is less noise.
  8. my model is canadian and it works, you must do it fast to work. http://home.pichu64.net/discour128.mp3 you can try with this file, it worked for me (it's a legal file, so you can download it)
  9. I hope Sony is reading us!
  10. I have the RH10 and some MP3 can't be played (not in 44.1kHz or bad encoded) but most of my mp3 are fully playable.
  11. you can buy it on canadian or american web site, it's nearly the same price as in europe (that's what i've done)
  12. yes that's true but it's hard to find the ' for example
  13. I tried something like for the 1st gen HIMD and it worked : Hold switch ON while pressing "menu" do FF FF RW RW FF RW FF RW Pause Pause be careful
  14. I noticed some noise when the player load data to buffer and a bug with the titling section, there are missing characters.
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