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Menthol Moose

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Everything posted by Menthol Moose

  1. Ah, I knew about those pro level recording devices, but I was thinking something more aimed around the MD pricepoint, yet still has all the bells and whistles of a "mp3" player. The samsung mp3 player I own does have line in and FM recording, but the quality is um.. rubbish. I suspect alot of other mp3 players on the market arnt much different and have a long way to reach the quality of MD recordings. But its not a technical issue, its one of cost and market and im sure a company will come out soon with a device, that isnt pro level price as featured above Please correct me if im wrong if there are mp3 players out there that do indeed do, quality line in recordings.
  2. I loved the MD format too, but really nostalga aside... removable media is dead. Sorry, its as simple as that. Flash memory is just so cheap, 2mb and 4mb players will soon be standard. Some company will make a decent pocket sized recording device with excellent fidelity like the MD, and soon all your worries will be over. "But i can change MD disks over when they get full", yes but with say 4gb of flash memory just how many hours will you need, even at uncompressed rates of recording ? Upload direct from the device to a PC with no DRM with the speed of USB2. And it will also function as a portable music player. Sony will not bring the MD back, the best thing to do now is to get them to hear your calls for a hi-fidelity portable recording device using flash memory. But knowing the good old sony we love, it will be crippled by DRM and a demonic plague of software like sonic stage.
  3. One day, a company will make a flash based mp3/ogg player, with a quality (MD standard) line in encoding, with 2-4g standard memory,FM radio and encoding, runs for hours on a standard battery, with VCR timer recording functions, and one that isnt raped by DRM and uploading restrictions. And it wont be sony.
  4. Although I ditched my MD a few months ago for a samsung 1gig player, I am sad to see it go. But Sony has its self to blame for many of the reasons HI-MD didnt take off. For me a huge turn off was the bug ridden sonic stage that made transfering MP3's just a torture session. With the samsung player its just drag and drop in a drive letter window. Uploading recordings was just as painful, and only after much feet dragging did sony give us multipul uploads and tools to do it directly. Alot of the new generation of Mc mp3 players do have line in sockets. But the quality of the recordings is terrible. Is there any devices that can compete for the price and quality of Hi-MD recording ? I dont think so. Maybe sony will make a flash based recorder with excellent quality. But until then, thanks for the memories.
  5. Actually, a new series of solid state and hard drive players from people like creative and samsung will record line in at rates far above that, direct to mp3. And no DRM management to make you rip your hair out. And yes, I did just ditch my MD player. Hi MD was great for recording, but there was just too many issues for normal mp3 use. What really sold me on other brands is timed recording and your selection of bit rate. They can be set like a VCR and record automatically.
  6. Can someone run by me whats happening with this bug ? What has been sony's official response to the Issue ? Yes.. im a noob, so please excuse
  7. Say you compile a selection of music to A HI-MD and just in case want to keep a copy on your computer if the disc gets lost or currupted. (though unlikely) Sonic stage is obviously a royal pain in the arse, so is this a quicker way ? Obviously you cannot "copy" one HI-MD to another, but can you use a drive lettering program and do a image backup of the disc on your pc then write back the image to the drive letter later ? Has anyone done this and its worked ?
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