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About gregtsai

  • Birthday 07/23/1983

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  1. There's more pictures of black RH1 post on the web.... http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=...43&last=1176412 In Chinese Traditional, again.... But the photos are quite good and the black Rh1 is really sexy.... Everybody can take a look at it.... The owner says that it's freakingly light....106g of course.....
  2. There's someone in our country just went to Japan and took some photos of RH1 in silver... http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=...55&last=1165556 (In Chinese Traditional though.....It's a website in Taiwan) Silver RH1 loos a bit plastic though....
  3. There's a new interview article about RH-1's develop team released on SONY STYLE website... http://www.sony.jp/topics/walkman/himd_dev_interview/ Looks like they do watching we user's opinion on this forum and many other similar ones... But since I barely understand Japanese is there anyone willing to translate or summarize it?? (I myself can only gussing it base on those characters look like chinese) although it seeems they put much enphasize on the sound quality on developing RH1..... And some words for the guys developed RH1.....whose picture is here... although I haven't got one and experienced it..... It is really a good job you guys..... this is the best MD device i have ever dreamed of....and i am definitely gonna buy one...
  4. It's rather weird because in Sony's website they have RM-MC40ELK put in the RH1's accessories page.... which also says much information can be viewed with it, and can display Japanese characters for three lines. http://www.sony.jp/products/Consumer/himd-...ccessories.html so does it really don't support it or because it's just a prototype??
  5. [本体で再生可能なMP3ファイル形式]フォーマット:MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3、ビットレート:32-320kbps(CBR/VBR)、サンプリング周波数:44.1kHz(MZ-RH1は32/44.1/48kHz) I don't understand japanese.... But does this line says that RH1 is able to play MP3s at 32/44.1/48 KHZ sampling rates? Can anyone confirm this? And is the black version limited to anywhere or limited to any number??
  6. I've noticed ths problem,too. but in my case the situation is somehow different, when i use SS3.1 to transfer,there is always gap between tracks, no matter i transfer mp3 320K or ATRAC3+ 256K files. But if i use simple burnerto handle the job, there's no gap at all. It's really annoying especially when listening to classical music.
  7. I found that in 0113 DistFL if you set the last number 0,1,8,9 The language option include En,Fr,Deu,It,Es set 2,3,a,b, there will be Jp,En(Japan Version default is 23) set 4,5,c.d, Jp,En,Fr,Deu,It,Es,Chinese simplized,Chinese Traditional set 6,7,e,f, Jp,En,Fr,Deu,It,Es And there's some option that the 1st gereration himds don't have 1800 Info 1810 DistFL 1811 DistFL 23(same as 0113) 1812 DistFH 80(same as 0114) 1820 FirmF 1821 FirmFL 98 1822 FirmFH 80 1823 FValid 00 1830 HardF 1831 HardF0 61 1832 HardF1 E4 1833 HardF2 40 1834 HardF3 AE 1835 HValid 00 1840 Pwr F 1841 Pwr FL F1 1842 Pwr FH A0 1843 PValid 00 Mine is Japanese Version RH10 And I must apologize for my English......I'm not a native English speaker.... If there's anything you don't understand I'll try to explain it.... Hope it's useful for you guys.....
  8. I bought it here in Taiwan..... We're very close to Japan........ I got it two weeks ago.....it's the same price as the old one..... and it uses the small plastic case as the old MD disc...... However i still can't find any on-line store selling it
  9. My classmate's and mine RH10 bought from Japan i disassemble it and took some pictures...... Sorry, I have no idea how to post images on the forum RH10
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