Hi My girlfriend has just bought 2 MZNH600Ds for a bargain £55 each inc a 1GB disc, one each :-) Ok I was actually looking for a Mp3 player i had settled on an iriver but then a call at work gave me 5mins to change my mind, an 1GB flash iriver is £120 at its cheapest here so i figured i couldn't lose, it must be flash based as i plan 2 go running ruling MP3 HDs out. I had looked at an Aiwa MD player but Hi-MD looks better and mines is in cool blue, GF wants the silver one. But what is this ! after more research on this site i find that the MD doesn't play MP3 directly oh no, but hey i figure i have only 22 MP3s that i don't have the original CDs and i can always convert them to Atrac so thats not so bad, i figure HI-SP over from orig CD = 8 hrs should be fine BUT as we have 2 MDs what happens if we want to swap files between walkmans for e.g we both have a track that we like and then we want 2 put it on each player, can we both swap it back to the PC and move the file over to another Hi-MD discs in the future? Or do we need 2 copies of each file? I haven't seen the player yet as GF is away (back 2morrow) but can't wait to see what a MD can do. I know the Hi-MD maybe the last throw of the dice 4 MD but all i need is something smaller than my lovely sony CD player that plays music with good sound quality eqiv 2 Mp3 at 192K, i am worried about have loads of music on a non standard system so hopefully i'll get my hands on a MZ-RH910 in the future as it plays direct MP3s and attracs plus i'll still have access 2 the cheap HIMDs giving me the best of both worlds Can anyone help me with the moving files between 2 MDs we have access 2 PCs at home if this helps TIA Tony