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Everything posted by Chomik

  1. Hi there! Can someone tell me, is it possible to buy this kind of devices somewere?
  2. Chomik

    MZNH600D remote

    In Europe we have got two models of this Hi-MD: 1. NH600 with AC/DC adapter inptut, line/optical input (analog/digital 2in1), and a 4-pin (?)remote port. I've got this device in my pocket:) 2. NH600D without AC, line/opti and remote inputs However in Poland, where I live NH600D i sold as NH600.. (I bought mine in the UK).. pretty funny, isn't it?
  3. Chomik

    Oma Files...

    I have got MZ-NH600 and I use SS 3.1. I have never seen an MP3 option before! Where can I find it? How does it work? What bitrates can be used?
  4. They are on the polish market, of course! But they are so bloody expensive.. It seems to be the only solution, though. Thanks for your advice MusicBringer!
  5. Chomik

    New Firmware

    Does someone know, if Sony makes any new firmwares? For f/i NH600. It is not so important, I just wonder
  6. I live in Poland and I obviously have got the European version of NH600. I've hacked it, there was a slight difference, but still I have to amplify the music around 22-24 to listen to it in the street (on original Sony in-ear headphones). I am a clasical musician (clarinetist) and I guess I have preatty good ears.. Can I do something with it?
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