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Thank you, Avrin! I have downloaded the English version of 4.2, the drivers and the security update. I will install them on a spare XP machine that has no programs on it as yet, and test it out. I'll post the results of the install.
It appears the SonicStage 4.0 non-web installer program has been removed from the downloads section. I get only a "404" page. This is a big disappointment. I have tried, but cannot find anywhere on the web any valid links to download any one of the SonicStage 4.0/4.1/4.2 versions. Does anyone know of a valid link? Or perhaps someone has a copy of the SonicStage 4.0 non-web installer program they could provide. [i don't consider this to be a problem, as SonicStage has always been a free download.] It's a particular puzzle that the SonicStage 4.0 non-web installer program was taken down. I couldn't find a reason for this in the forums. Thanks very much for any feedback or help with this issue! pfflamingo
Thanks so much for all your varied replies...! Seems that there may be a good option available to overcome this problem. I'll try them in order and give you my complete feedback. I have any number of audio applications [Audacity, Sound Forge, etc.] but none of them can take any audio file in any format and automatically break it up into, say, 3-minute files, sequentially naming each file. Although this would not create "track marks", at least I could still get the result I want if only the apps could do it... pfflamingo
Hope someone can help me here... I download mp3 podcasts, each one 1 - 3 hours long, to play on my RH-10. Talk shows, mostly, and would love to imbed 3-minute track marks after converting to ATRAC to hop over the commercials. I currently am able to do this, but only by re-recording real-time to my other RH-10 [headphone output to line-in] converting to ATRAC codec, of course, using the track-marking feature on the receiving MD recorder. Is there any other way of of imbedding track marks into an existing ATRAC file? Hopefully faster-than-realtime? [Yes, I know I could record the broadcasts as they are on the air live directly to my recorder, but I can't always "be there" to start (and stop) the recordings.] Couldn't find any other post with this issue... Thanks for any help! pfflamingo
Went to the SonyStyle site this afternoon, there isn't even an option anymore to view MiniDisc portables! I could not find any listing or sub-menu. But you can view their lone MiniDisc deck if you go to the "Site Map" and click on "MiniDisc Components": http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores...8&langId=-1 Is this high proof of Sony abandoning the American market? They do, however, have some MiniDisc media listed as for sale: http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores...1&langId=-1 pfflamingo
Hey, this is a great thread. I have two RH-10's, this gives me great flexibility when I wish to record with one while playing the other [i time-shift a four-hour radio show M-F]. I also use my RH-10's as external hard drives with my pc/laptop, transferring files between them. I also use them for backing up small batches of critcal files. I find this to be easier all 'round than using CD disks for this task [although it is a slower process]. My favorite use is for live recording and for recording podcasts I produce. I use an Audio Technica PRO 24 stereo microphone for this purpose. The quality preseved by the RH-10 with this microphone is nothing short of astounding. Link to the Audio Technica PRO 24: http://www.audio-technica.com/cms/wired_mi...e6b3/index.html I don't know how I did without my Minidisc recorders before I had them. - pfflamingo -
MZ-S1 - disable auto track marking - or workaround
pfflamingo replied to austreu's topic in Minidisc
Hi... If I hear you right, you wish to eliminate auto-track creation with your transfering of spoken word CDs, and wouldn't mind having one unbroken track or maybe multiple tracks, but with markers, let's say, every five minutes. I know you're working on a Mac platform, but I routinely remove silent gaps that are too long in podcasts I create with my PC platform using the Total Recorder software [PC only]. You can select any removal length perimeter and still wind up with only one file, not one that gets broken up into different files or tracks every time a pause is shortened. The process is automated and you can shorten the gaps either while recording live or post-process the gap shortening. I cut pauses down to 1.5 seconds, and the flow of speech after editing never sounds strange or artificial. Go here at the Total Recorder site and look at page 109 of the PDF manual for the product: http://www.totalrecorder.com/download/TotalRecorder.pdf I am personally not aware of any software for the Mac that can do the same thing. I wish there was such software available. Hope this helps, maybe you have access to a PC to use just for this purpose, at least in creating a file you may be able to then work with on your Mac. - pfflamingo - -
To All... From pfflamingo... Thanks all... the HI-MD Minidisk Forum is a great resource for me and my local MD friends here in San Francisco... Now we've gathered together a couple of questions and request some feedback... "Question #1: [from BJ] Why does SonicStage take forever to "import" already-downloaded or existing MP3 files that are already on my hard drive [importing takes nearly real-time, whether they are 'podcast' or generic MP3 files]? "And as SonicStage goes through this "import" process, does it actually transfer each whole file byte-by-byte into a [new] directory?... and where would this directory be?... [can't ever find any such directory by searching for the converted files] or does it just "link" to the file as they exist in the directory they already reside in? "[i've tried to locate such "transferred" files on my hard drive, to no avail, which prompts me to wonder why in the heck SoundStage even bothers to do its little "dance", taking its f#cking time "converting" the file from my hard drive to another place on my hard drive ...that cannot be found...1]... so please, if you have an answer, let me know..., thanks, BJ." ------ "Question #2: [from KF] I want to digitally transfer existing MP3 files from my desktop to my MD recorder and have track marks inserted automatically every 60 seconds in the MD file. This would be the same as when I record an audio feed from a live realtime input onto my MD, inserting a mark every 60 seconds... this I do all the time. {Yes, I know I can create track marks by doing an analog-to-analog real-time transfer from either a computer to a Minidisc unit or from one Minidisc unit directly to another Minidisc unit, but I want to be able to accomplish the transfer while imbedding track marks as I transfer at faster-than-realtime...] Note: I am NOT interested in inserting track marks "between" "tracks"... this I already know how to do... Yes, as stated above, my MD recorder cannot insert track marks at any specified interval from any feed from any [already existing] audio file from any hard drive when using a faster-than-realtime digital connection. To be able to insert track marks at specified intervals during a faster-than-realtime transfer is of utmost importance to me as I want to be able to then skip though commercials and other crap segments whenever they may occur in a transferred file. Which of you miracle-worker gurus out there may have an answer to this problem...?" Thanks so much, pfflamingo [and BJ and KF] San Francisco MD Delicatos
I have had my eye on the AudiaX Wireless FM Transmitter (DGT-201)for MP3 Players. I've seen no mention of it in this thread, anyone have personal experience with it? Battery powered only, no USB connection, but will broadcast -anywhere- on the FM band. I only use rechargable NIMH's anyway, so I' not worried about excess battery costs. Good description of it here: http://www.minidisc.com.au/product_info.ph...products_id=537 Also check out other links here: http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=DGT-20...h+Froogle&hl=en - pfflamingo -
Thank you... This is another good possibility! - pfflamingo -
Thank you, AcTs... I looked at the Edirol site, the UA-1X is a product I didn't realize existed. Definitely something to consider. - pfflamingo -
Hi, All... I am looking to locate a Xitel MD-Port I/O [complete kit] either retail new or used. This product was discontinued by Xitel probably within the past year and I have been unable to track one down, even after scouring internet retailers and ebay [u.S., Canada and Australia] for the past couple of weeks. If anyone has a good lead for me, it would be appreciated. Thanks! - pfflamingo -