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Everything posted by acekat13

  1. I think its the brand. I personally dont think San Disk memory sticks are of equal quality as that of the Sony brand MS.
  2. This is one I made of one of my favorite psychobilly bands from Holland, Asmodeus. Here is one I am using right now, its very simple but looks really nice if you are a fan of black: Here is one from another one of my favorite psychobilly bands that I made in photoshop, Psychobilly legends: Batmobile: Here is one of some nice Japanese style art of waves: I make wallpapers all the time in photoshop, if anyone has a request, Just let me know. I will try my best to make you something nice.
  3. Everytime Ive had a friend come over to my place with their psp and it had a San Disk brand MS in it, I've had lots of problems using sonic stage with it. I, myself, only own sony brand mem. sticks, and I have never had a problem. I would return it, besides, Ive seen a couple of places online advertising Sony brand 4GB MS's for under 150 bucks.
  4. There are 3 new Japanese Demos out for you to download, since I am currently at 2.8 FW, I hex edited these myself so I could play them on my PSP. I uploaded them to share with all of you! 1. The first demo is for "Block Club." : BLOCK CLUB Place in a folder named "ULJS00068" 2. The second is for the sequel to "Exit" this is the demo for "Exit 2": EXIT 2 Place in a folder named "ULJM05161" 3. The third demo is a NEW demo for LocoRoco, This is NOT the halloween demo!!! This is a new demo for another level of the game where you start off on a pirate ship and turn into a square shaped locoroco. - LocoRocoDemo2 Place in a folder named "UCJS10041-2" Happy Gaming 2.8er's!!!!
  5. This is a decent feature to those who plan on owning a PS3. But I really dont understand the point. All of the downloadable games and demos will be accessed through the internet, wether it be via PS3 or a PC/Laptop. I don't understand why sony would waste their time pitching this feature. It's like saying "Hey, for all of you folks who dont already own a computer, you can download all of your PSP-ready media though your Playstation 3." At the high price of the PS3, I would bet my money that 90% of consumers that plan on purchasing a PS3 already own a home computer.
  6. Click me!!!! Click above for a link to Fanjita's website. You can find the article on tetris and download it. It is simple to do and I've just tested it myself. This is a HUGE step foward in homebrew for 2.7+ firmwares. I can't wait for the e-loader!!!!!!!
  7. Taken from www.psp3d.com: "The news has just broken that firmwares 2.70, 2.71, and 2.80 for the PSP have been fully hacked, and a "Hello World" homebrew demonstration application (which shows that unsigned code is runable) has been released to prove it. Thanks to a group of talented PSP developers, consisting of NOPx86 (for the initial proof of concept on x86), psp250, Skylark, Joek2100, CSwindle, JimP, and Fanjita, as of August 27th, 2006 at 9:00 P.M. EST, the PSP is, once again, completely thwarted. There is not a single firmware that does not have homebrew capabilities at the time of this news post (expect Sony to release an update within the next few weeks). It appears the PSP homebrewing community will never give up, Sony, however, has to battle it out once again, and get their team together to find a patch for this new, TIFF-based exploit, based off the same image format which had haunted them in the past with the cracking of 2.0 firmware. 2.70, 2.71, and 2.80 users, cherish this release, and consider it a [another] chance at joining the homebrew community and using homebrew games and applications. As always, homebrew is meant to promote the legal benefits of indie coding, not to promote the underground, warez-supporting groups which promote the use of illegal ISOs. Though the "Hello World" application is primitive, it is a grassroots for awesome homebrew to come on the respective firmwares, as an eLoader and much, much more are released. Here's what Fanjita has to say about this news: "To install, just unpack the ZIP file to your PSP's PHOTO folder, and then attempt to view hello_world.tif. Hello World will launch automatically. You may find that occasionally the full screen doesn't show - this is a known problem, just restart your PSP by holding the power button until it turns off, then open the image again. To quit, hold the power button until the PSP turns off. So what happens next? This shows that we can run code via this exploit. It won't be too hard to develop an eLoader that can use this exploit on v2.0 - v2.6. v2.7+ will be harder, due to extra security, but will happen a little later. Kernel mode is unavailable on v2.8, but it is likely that a downgrader is possible on all other firmwares. But then, with the possibility of kernel homebrew running without the need for a game UMD, why would you need to downgrade?" As an additional note, you will no longer need GTA: Liberty City Stories for PSP in order to run homebrew on 2.0+ firmwares. Although that method is much more advanced and offers many more capabilities at this time, the new TIFF-based exploit has a lot more to offer and will catch up in due time, thanks to its kernal mode capabilities from firmwares 2.0 to 2.71. Considering Sony has phased out the exploitable copies of GTA: LCS, and patched versions of the game are popping up in stores everywhere, this new exploit gives new PSP users a chance they thought they would have never had, had this project not been started. Great work to all who were involved with the project, PSP3D.com is proud to see these coders put forth so much effort and enthusiasm to get this project done!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So there you have it folks!!! Unsigned code has been run on all firmwares up to 2.8. Without the use of GTA: Liberty City Stories. Now it should only be a matter of days before we see an eLoader. I'm also pretty sure Sony will release a new firmware update to patch up the hole in the last one.
  8. It is possible with 2.0 firmware. The program is called NesterJ, but it's not all that simple. You also need other programs to run emulators/homebrew/apps, etc. I suggest going to www.psp3d.com. They are a lot of people on that site that can help you. Just remember, If you upgrade to 2.7 firmware or higher you cannot use these programs.
  9. That price is not right. The 4gb is out now and sells for about $240.00. When the 8GB stick makes its debut, I would guess it will be in the 450-500 range. Just keep watching sonystyle.com for release info, and I suggest using amazon.com to purchase on. I just got my 2GB MS for $62.00 from amazon. Stay away from ebay, too many fake memory sticks being sold.
  10. I agree that homebrew is overrated. Before I upgraded I had my psp filled with homebrew apps and emulators. I thought is was fun to carry around a ton of 8-bit and 16 bit console games on my psp, but I always played my PSP games more. Plus I like to keep my PSP up to date with its firmware, I am excited for the playstation 1 emulator, I think it is well worth the sacrifice of homebrew/hacking. I wonder if sony will find a way to work around the modchips that are out now.
  11. I figured it out. You have to go in and add the album/cover art to each individual track. Its a bit time consuming but worth it to me. I like everything neat and organized. Thanks for the help anyway!
  12. From www.psp3d.com: "It's confirmed, Sony has spilled the beans that on Thursday, July 27th, 2006, we will see a new firmware released for the PSP, featuring RSS video support in the PSP's browser, a new downloadable game demo (World Tour Soccer 2), as well as a few other new features. Awesome news, but you would seriously consider the disadvantages before upgrading, since homebrew will be plugged up, as it is in 2.7X firmwares." also check link to ign.com : IGN.com http://psp.ign.com/articles/720/720194p1.html
  13. For its price, size, weight, and removable flash memory...I think its great. I have NEVER had a problem with "ghosting," on any type of movie. If you invest in any memory stick over 1GB, you can store a decent amount of video files to take with you on the go. UMD video is also great. I use EBAY to buy UMD movies and I have never paid more than 10 dollars for a UMD disc. You can find great bargains on EBAY when it comes to UMD movies. On a full battery charge I can watch around 3 hours of video, now that my battery is almost 2 years old I only get about 2-2.5 hours of video. I also bought a headphone splitter and got an extra set of official Sony PSP headphones on ebay for under 12 bucks!!! So on flights, both my girlfriend and I can enjoy a movie together. Overall I think its a great investment, my only problem with it is that the volume on some UMD discs does not go as loud as I would like it to, but if you convert your own video files you can adjust them so they are nice and loud. Hope my opinion helps!!!
  14. When I purchase music via Sony Connect Store and transfer them to my PSP, I can see the album cover art on the psp screen. When I click and drag album art to files I didnt get from the sony music store, the art shows up on my PC in sonic stage but is not there when I transfer those files to my PSP. How do I get the album art from a .gif or .jpeg file into sonic stage to where it will transfer to my PSP? Is it not possible?
  15. Thanks for all of your suggestions. I will give it another try this afternoon.
  16. Yeah I did a full reinstall. Deleted all the sonicstage/sony related folders from my registry keys. Its got something to do with the way it converts the database. It always closes or freezes when it starts converting. I don't have IE7 beta 2. I'm on a dell dimension 2350, pentium 4. I guess ill stick with SS 3.4.
  17. Hello all! I'm new to this forum. I started using the ATRAC format and SonicStage 3.3 & 3.4 when I purchased my PSP on its release date. I just downloaded and installed SonicStage 4.0 and when I try to launch the program it says "Updating SonicStage Database. SonicStage will be restarted after updating has completed." I click the OK button and for about a second I see a box that says "Converting SonicStage Database" with a progress bar and than it shuts down. I've done a full reinstall 2 times and nothing seems to work. I have the lastest version of DirectX. I've searched this forum to see if anyone else is having this problem and I couldn't find any threads on it. Can anyone help me??? Thank you for your time.
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