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Everything posted by oll

  1. Hi, Did this utit have the hold switch? It may privent the reset problem. I have a NH1 and plan to buy the RH1. Please try this and post your results here. oll
  2. HELLO PEOPLE!!! WAKEUP PLEASE!!! Does anyone knows??? Please say Yes or No or anything you know about this. For me this is very important feature if it works. Is there any one from Sony?? Please say anithing... Thanks
  3. Hi, This quote is from Sony S.S. 3.4 download page. Does any one know if this feature works with HI-MD? I have ben testing SS 3.4 with my MZ-NH1 and it never update the playlist in my HI-MD. Is this feature for non MD devices only? There is no topic on this in the SS 3.4 help. There is no manual option for this in the software.
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