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    Sony MZ-R70, Sharp 702: neither are fully functional

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  1. yeah you can do it and you can probably trick it into having that nice stereo effect. copy the one channel over to the weak channel. then move one channel a hair ahead or behind the other. I could be wrong, but i doubt your ears will know any better. worth a shot.
  2. So no compression if the unit is not actually recording? That would make sense. Anyway, I did some experimenting last night (not really related to MD, but thought I'd share anyway): Recorded from my stereo speakers first through the Sharp702 with level near 0dB, to the JB3 at 0gain, +4gain, +8gain, and +12 gain. Then went directly to the JB3 with mic-in, and then line-in. Seems the mic-in and line-in are really the same on the JB3, with the mic-in just allowing for a gain up to +48, where line-in only let's you go up to +12. In a nut shell, the least noisiest recording came through the Sharp MD at +12 gain on the JB3. It clipped a bit, but was nice and loud. Downside is the level meter on the JB3 is horrendous. The meter didn't indicate clipping but it sure as hell was. Anyone out there know of a separate level meter? The MD meters are generally pretty good, so I'm guessing that most folks wouldn't be interested. Anyway, thanks for the input daniel!
  3. I've had a MD for about 3 years, picked it up used and it has taken a turn for the worse. Totally unreliable now. Anyway I picked up a JB3 the other day and thought maybe I could use my MD just to drive the line in on the JB3 until I can get a suitable preamp. My question is if I were to take my MS907 through the mic-in on either my Sony MZ-R70 or Sharp 702 and take the signal out of the MD via line-out/headphone to the line in on the JB, does the data get converted to ATRAC in the MD if the recorder is on pause, or does it just go through an A/D > D/A process without any ATRAC compression, or will it not do any converting at all, just boost the level (which would be best, imo)? Thanks, John
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