Hello! This is my first time posting on these forums. Anyways, i just purchased a sony MZ-R700 from a friend @ school. ( 30$ ) I have never used a MD player before so bear w/ me, but i really like the technology. I have tried recording via the (optical) line in thru both my sound card (via the 1/8" miniplug) and my record player ( via the 1/8" plug to RCA ). Now with both recording methods, i have been unable to record w/ any mode other then MONO. LP2, LP4, and NORMAL recording modes will only produce sound from one earphone. My quistion is, can i only record in MONO from analogue sources, or is something else up? I am going to get a 1/8" mini-plug to digital, but it will be awile before i can get it. I really want to be able to record in stereo, as i feel im losing a lot of sound quality w/ mono..... any help would be appreciated. Thanks. on a side note, i just hacked the mz-r700 to the mz-r900. score.