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Everything posted by .baby_dubz.

  1. I guess I'll share now. Just picked up my NW-A808 and my T100 camera last week and took a few pics My Vaio Pocket Vs NW-A808 Fancy picture My favourite shot and yes...my T100 is black as well lol enjoy!
  2. :blink: :blink: Really?! Was yours a Overseas model? My friend told me they also sell Overseas models which means that there is international warranty, but it costs more than the one that comes with just the in-country warranty I just called Sony Canada and they say the warranty is only covered in the country you bought it in. You bought ur A608 in Dubai, so wouldn't the warranty card be in another language?. I was thinking about sending the player back to Japan if I had a problem so it'd get repaired in Japan and they'd send it back. Would that work? But then again...how often do these things break? I bought a VGF-AP1L brand new off eBay and havent had a single problem for over a year, so even if i DID have a problem, it wouldn't be covered now anyways. Sony build quality FTW?
  3. I was acutally planning on purchasing a Cybershot camera from Japan and using it here in Canada. I guess my best bet is to contact Sony Canada. Do they have an email or is it just a toll free number I found on their site?
  4. sweet, so all I need an English version of Sonicstage. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I checked a few of the major electronics retailers and they have it for about $30-$40 more. My friend gave me a site, kakaku.com, and I found a store that had the 4gb version of 22,000YEN IIRC. I'm just looking for something a bit smaller and compact. Capacity is not an issue for me, as I have a Vaio Pocket and it offers me oodles of storage with ite 40gb capacity
  5. Not sure if this belongs in this section, but mods, feel free to move it if it isn't I have a friend who's going to Japan in a few week and I was planning to ask him to pick me up a few Sony toys The prices are cheaper, however, my friend told me to consider the warranty and not just the cheaper price when I'm deciding. So my question is, if I were to buy..let's say a camera from Japan. If I were to use it here in Canada and I find something wrong (ie, manufacterer's defect, etc) that is covered by warranty, would I be able to walk into a Sony store, or call in to Sony and tell them? Would they honour my warranty here? Or is it strictly limited to the region where it was purchased?
  6. I have a friend who's going back to Japan in a few weeks and I'm asking him to pick me up a few things I was looking at the NW-A800 and its cheaper over there. However, I was wondering if the player had the ability to change the language to English? I'm assuming the player comes in Japanese as the default language. TIA.
  7. Anyone here have experience with these headphones? I was reading some reviews on CNET and they seem to be pretty good. Looking for some mid to high end headphones to use with my Pocket Vaio. They retail for about $230 CDN at Futureshop. Are these worth the money? http://reviews.cnet.com/Sony_MDR_V700DJ/45...55.html?tag=lst Also considering Sony MDR-XD200's. I know they're totally at opposite ends of the spectrum, but these looking pretty good for their price ($40 CDN)
  8. ^ hahah oh no, I still came to see what was new. I just meant I didn't post.
  9. Hey guys, haven't been here in a bit. Actually got quite the interesting story to share. I bought my Vaio Pocket back in September brand new. Opened the box, smelled it, turned it on, and fell in love with it immediately. I had 3 months of troublefree ownership. Then, the unthinkable happened. Went out with some buddies in early Janurary and decided to bring my VP along (bad idea). So I get home afterwards and I notice my pockets to be a bit light. Hmmmm...then I realize my VP wasn't there! Needless to say, I was devestated and searched everywhere for it with no avail. After a week or so of sulking and looking at the empty cradle that sat next to my bedside, I decided to move on. I went out to look for a new media player, hoping it'd help me get over the loss of my baby. Put my money out for an RCA Lyra (an even BIGGER mistake). What can I say about that thing. It was terrible. Besides being able to play videos, there really wasn't anything else that appealed to me. The user interface was slow, the headphone jack started detriorating within a few months. This lead to me prying the thing open to fix it. I never got it fixed and even worse, the buttons had to be removed to gain access to the inside. After I assembled the thing back together, the buttons never fit the same again. I couldn't rewind or go back properly and my buttons would constantly fall off. I even lost one of them Not to mention, the thing was HUGE. It looked like a casette player. Someone even asked me if I was listening to casettes. -___-" After being fed up with it, I decided to put it up for sale a few weeks ago hoping to get some money back and buy a better portable media player. However, a few days ago, I was talknig to one of my friends who was in the car with me that dreadful Janurary day and asked if I found my Sony Mp3 player. I said no and then I began to pick up hints from him that he knew that I didn't acutally lose it. After some gentel persuasion, I found out my other friend had found it on the backseat of his car (it must have fallen out of my pocket). He thought it'd be funny if he made me believe I acutally lost it and decided to keep it until the end of the year. Anways, in the end I went to his place and got it back. All in all, I cherish my Sony player so much more now. The beautiful LCD, the crisp sound quality and the accepetable size AND there is no chance of losing buttons. Anways, looking forward to my return here! Cheers!
  10. thanks man. but it's just a minor little scratch...I guess I'll try the iCleaner or a similar product before I seriously consider replacing it. thanks though!
  11. sorta pricey compared to the $4 for a can of Brasso. When you say to order a new glass/screen window, do you mean for the PV? Where can I get one and is the installation easy if I decide to replace it?...I have a scratch on the remote screen too -___-"
  12. After 2 months of babying my precious Pocket Vaio, the inevitable happened. I was moving my speakers next to where my PV was sitting in it's cradle charging. I unplugged my speakers, picked them up and turned around to leave when I heard a crash on the floor. I immediately looked down and saw my PV face down on the floor (I have hardwood)...I stood there in shock and picked it up. At first it looked like it survived but when I looked closer at it, there was a small scuff/scratch on the screen I ran to the washroom to use some toothpaste to see if I could rub it out, but it did not work *sigh* I'm sure this has happened to a few of us here at ATRACLife, unfortunately. Do you guys just leave it and move on with your life or have you tried to remove them? I came across this article: Fixing Scratches on iPods it uses a product called 'Brasso' to remove most of the scratches and looks quite promising...but it IS a bit abrasive so that has me a tad worried. What have you guys used?
  13. There's a selection under the settings menu (iirc) called Jackets. Inside, there's like a thumbnail set up/grid looking screen. What are these?
  14. Has anyone got this to work? I thought by converting ur files to ATRAC 3, the lyrics would work but it hasn't for me. Some people online have been frustrated because they have not gotten it to work either...one guy even phoned Sony support and still no luck. If anyone has got it to work, please let me know how Thanks!
  15. Was wondering where I could get one, if it exists? I have some songs that have Chinese titles and the artist's Chinese name..but when I move it to the VP, it becomes ???-???. How do I configure/add Chinese character support? TIA
  16. yea, Ive installed Sonicstage 2.3...Vaio Music Transfer 1.2.00 and I've updated the firmware on the player..but when I connect it to my PC and open Vaio Music Transfer..I get this: Ok, here is what I did 1) Open box, take player out, connect via USB Cradle, install Firmware 2) Open CD, install the software (unplugged player first) 3) Download the Sonicstage and Vaio Music Transfer Update, Reboot. 4) Plug Player back into computer...get error message when I try to transfer music files.. Is there another way to get music into the player? Ive tried opening it from My Computer and pasting .mp3 files into it, but it doesn't show up on my player.
  17. I'm having a bit of trouble putting music into the player..I just got it on Thursday and was stoked about using it. So the first thing I do is install the firmware update...then I realize I need to update my Vaio Music Transfer to 1.2.00 so I did. But after I connect my Vaio Pocket to the computer and click on "Vaio Music Transfer" it keeps saying, "Please connect a target advice". I don't get it. The player is plugged it, I know this because I have the "Removable Harddrive" icon in My Computer. Any help?...frustrated. I don't have a USB 2.0 port...just a 1.1 or 1.0...is that my problem?
  18. does any body know if the player can display Chinese characters (traditional) ? or do I have to d/l a font, if so, where? I had this problem with my old mp3 player and I didn't know where to get the font
  19. Hey guys! Came across your site while looking at reviews for the Vaio Pocket. Ordered my Pocket off eBay a few days ago for $328.58 US with shipping and insurance. It was a bit more expensive than I had expected, but that's what I get for ordering it when it's disappearing off the shelves -___-" I'm waiting in anticipation for this magnificient machine to come in the mail. Pretty excitied judging from all the posts here. One thing that I was worried about was the case. After spending so much on the player I didn't wanna splurge on a case designed specifically for the pocket. I found screen protectors at Office Depot for $5 for a pack of 12. I went over to Futureshop to look at camera bags that would fit. Saw a leather Roots one for $20 (CDN). But have to get my Pocket and see if it fits before I get it. Another thing is, when I was browsing sites to buy the Vaio Pocket, someone said there will be a "firmware hack" that will allow the Vaio Pocket to watch videos. Any confimration on that? Thanks! Looking forward to my stay here
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