Hi, sorry for the n00b question here. I have been searching the forums for some time and it seems every topic that talks about getting recorded audio from their MD player to a PC is in the context of audio that has been recorded in the Hi-MD format. I currently have a Hi-MD player (Sony MZ-NHF800). I need to get a lot of music on MDs that I recorded a long time ago, in the period from 1998-2000 (in the old SP format) onto my PC in digital form (wav, mp3, ogg, whatever). Yes, I know how to copy analog in real time with dual 1/8" jacks, but I want a lossless digital copy of what I have recorded. Faster-than-realtime speed and auto-labelling would be nice, but that's not so much an issue as getting the digital copy onto my PC. Can I do it with the equipment that I have? I don't need to purchase an RH1 do I? Even with the RH1 would it work, assuming I have the newest version of SonicStage? As far as I can tell, Marc's Renderer program is only for audio recorded originally with Hi-MD. Again, sorry for a dumb question. Thanks for your help.