Hi! I have a lot of LP4 recorded from a lot of our presentations, directly recorded from the sound equipment by rec-out plug to my mz-n510 I can buy a used MZ-RH910 for a low cost. Can it upload music by USB connection to mi pc??? Thank you!
Hello! I have a mz-n520, and can't change the r-position parameter. The MD always answers "no set", even without a disc inside. What can I do? would it be a firmware issue? I'm just trying to set it to "rec from the end". Thank you! P.S. I can't set some other things that I can't remember now.
The only thing I can think of is... go to japan and send it like a serious project to Sony or sharp, or even nintendo. Sell them the idea! But remember, before showing it, buy the patent! Always think BIG. Good Look! and God Bless you.
It looks really bad. As said before, try to use it from fresh batteries. If it doesn't work, face the truth going to your local service telling the shamefull story.