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MZ-R30 Question?

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Hi, I need some help.My MZ-R30 is on its last legs,nearly eight years old!

For my sins I've just purchased a NW-HD1 walkman to replace it.Does anyone know how i can transfer all my old MD's (300+) to my computor from my old MZ-R30 so i can then transfer them via sonicstage to my new player. I Have searched but i cant find anything that seems to do the trick. any ideas??

Thanks for your time.


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Rather sorry, but you are mostly out of luck.

You cannot check in songs then download them to other devices.

Sadly, there is no quick way about doing any of this. You may just have to re-encode all the music.

Unless you REALLY need it on your new player, you can use the line-out or headphone out on your r30, to an input of your soundcard. Record it using some type of program, and then save it as a WAV file. This should let you re-encode the files for future use.

Although, assuming there is 1 hour on each disk, this method should take in excess of 300 hours time.

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@ Kaotic: That doesn't work.

NetMDs *CANNOT* upload onto the PC. And MDs recorded on old equipment cannot be uploaded with a Hi-MD recorder too.

Way to go: using a functioning MD-player, preferably a unit with line-out or digital out and going with that into the soundcard, then record with a suitable software, Audacity or Goldwave for example and then import the resulting files into SonicStage. Only problem, it is realtime. Alternative: Return the NW-HD1 and exchange it with a MZ-NH700 or better, it plays your existing discs right away and when you record through Mic/LineIn/Optical, you can upload it and download it on a unlimited number of discs.

Plus, it takes the new 1GByte discs, giving you nearly 8 hours per disc in very good quality.

See here:


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I'm sorry if I state the obvious, but of course the other parameter depends on where the content for those 300 MD recordings came from. Any for which you have the original CD's for, you can easily rip into your computer and have available for rapid download to NetMD, HiMD or ATRAC HDD (the NW-HD1). Ripping 300 MD's worth of CD content is a chore, but is achievable. Do you still have access to the original source material?

The big question this brings then is if you are starting from scratch creating a digital music database, do you want to go Sony or are you better off with another solution that is less proprietary. There are many threads on this and other sites debating this.

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Thanks for the replies,

Unfortunatly i dont have any of the original CD's,So it looks like im gonna have to try and use the line out and spend the nxt 300+ hours trying to conver to wav :wacky:

Ill keep you posted as to if works using the stated software.

Once again thanks for the help


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