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Player chewed a disc, and it's only two months old (nh700)

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Today, my '700 cheweed a disc, can anyone explain this ???

Starting with a blank disc, 2 recordings were made, when the player was connected to the computer, Sonicstage wouldn't see any tracks on the disc, even though two recordings were made earlier, the display on the player said "cannot read or record disc"

When viewing the contents of the disc in file storage mode, there were a whole pile of folders and files with strange characters with extensions such as .uav, .uqv, .usv, .Ñaª , .àRå etc instead of the usual HMA folder and file.

Not happy about this because these recordings are not repeatable.

What happened here ??? and is there some way to recover the lost tracks ??? Is there some way to not let this happen again ???

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Nope. No solution. Unusual, it is...

Since this is the first time, I heard about that, I can only guess for the reason. However, it is known, that certain virii and worms trash disks of any kind like this. Remember, Hi-MD is a USB-datadrive as well.

I would suggest to do a virus scan and in addition to plug in the recorder AFTER SonicStage has been fully loaded AND to eject the disc before the recorder is unplugged or SonicStage is exited.

SonicStage blocks any file system access to the recorder while it is running.

Recovering the contents? Highly unlikely, I say with the current knowledge, impossible. Might change in the future, when more is known about the internals of the recorders and .hma formats.

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It looks like something kept the player from finishing its write and "tidying up" the disc for next time it is used as storage media and all those weird file and folders created only when the disc is inside the player, meaning all the tracks are there, only scattered everywhere.

Meanwhile, the disc has been put aside, never to be used until a way has been found to get those tracks back or if there is definitely no way of getting it back.


From now on, all recording will be done on the old sized discs unless the old discs are not long enough so if a disc breaks, less sound will be lost.

New ways to record had been made up when a recording is so important it cannot be repeated or if the minidisc chews more discs.

A tape recording Walkman will be kept in a dedicated pocket of the bag, ready to be hitched up to a mic in a pocket kept at the other side of the bag, when recording is to be done, both the minidisc and tape will go and stopped at the same time, so if the minidisc screws up, the tape will always be there as backup

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