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  1. bingo, a 1GB flash card is about 30USD around here (1GB secure digital). a usb flash storage device with the same capacity seems to be about the same. hmm, a 1GB hi-md comes in at about 12USD... a bit more expensive then i first tought (been a while since i checked). still, they are about half to one third the cost of a usb device or flash card... a 5-pack of minidiscs come in at about the same as the single hi-md. what was the storage capacity of a hi-md formated minidisc again? (i have a interest in the format, but getting hold of a player in this part of the world is anything but simple).
  2. the one issue i have with flash devices is that they are not sold in multiple packs. say one could pick they up in 10-packs, maybe in that version thats no bigger then a flashcard with the basic usb connectors at one end (just fold some plastic bit away and stuff it into a port).
  3. hmm, is this to say i can connect it between a md-plaer and a headset, and when my bluetooth enabled mobile gets a call i can use it as a handsfree device?
  4. so if i want to grab a unit, it looks like i have to shop somewhere else then the local electronics shop...
  5. well it comes packaged with a microphone so im not surprised...
  6. if i should hazard a guess, it have something to do with some legacy code...
  7. i think most people have a problem with the atrac codec, not with the MD format itself (alltho, people are getting used to carrying double digit GB of storage in their pocket). now, where did that hi-md datadrive go of to?
  8. i think its allready been posted. cant be botherd to do a search tho
  9. i think its not a problem of sony licencing the tech, i think its a problem of the other companys not finding it sane to licence a tech with a limited marketability from the company that basicly have the whole market coverd.
  10. hmm, by the looks of it (i cant say for sure as i do not have the hardware to test it) you would need the new RH1 (or whatever its called) that sony is going to start shipping...
  11. what would be the ideal solution but if that cant happen, having a app that can run from a md and manage the transfer of mp3's to and from the discs would be a nice substitute...
  12. a very valid question, and i would say no. atleast not from a home player device. but we would probably see studio devices that could ignore the DRM settings...
  13. now if sony would make a program that could fit on a md with hi-md formating and that can manage transfer of mp3s...
  14. was it even sony that made said bookshelf? i have a feel it was a third party...
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