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MD Playback through usb->pc without sonicstage?

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Yeah, well coming up with fun things to do with my md and I thought of this..

playing back music through my pc headphones (nice sennheisers) from md through the usb functionality.


Well I enjoy listening to mp3's on my pc constantly, only the slight cpu overhead + constant disc access makes it a nuisance when playing games at the same time. Technically I should be able to playback off the md without either of these things right? Well except soundstage isn't exactly a small or stable or efficient program wink.gif

Can anyone confirm if this *might* be possible.. not using realplayer as I wouldn't touch anything real puts out with my 100 feet poking stick.

Otherwise Line out through the soundcard is a pretty good option. >.>

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Looking at this in a slightly different way, you could just store a bunch of mp3's on the disc in data mode and access those directly? ie : treat the disc as a datastore..

Along these lines, I've started putting episodes of astroboy and other small random episodes of stuff on a few spare disks i have. Its actually in an attempt to reduce power consumption on my laptop for flights and things like that.. i'm betting the md unit sucks less power (via usb) than your average notebook hard drive does but i'm testing that theory out now.

If i get hold of 1 gig blanks then i can stuff a movie onto a disc.. now that would be fun smile.gif

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Running the player into line-in on your soundcard is probably the best option. To use the USB playback function you must have SonicStage running. Just use a stereo minijack interconnect; reasonably good ones can be found at Radio Shack for around 10USD.

I generally do this when playing games but want to listen to my own music; however in the future, once I get my home rig constructed... hehehe... I'll just set that bad boy next to my PC and slip on the beyers whenever I want to listen to music. :happy:

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