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Is there any way...

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Iv'e just got my new N10, (although i've been using MD since about 97 and have had an R30, R55 and an R90) and was wondering if there is ANY WAY on this crumbling earth to record in NETMD mode using SP?????? mad.gif

It completely undermines the point of me getting my N10 if all you can use is LP2 & LP4 (which is good for audio books)!

Please help!

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As i said, iv'e been using MD since 97 and have for the last 6 years been recording in realtime using the digital optical output of a CD player, but i thought it would be nice to copy a CD to MiniDisc in a few minutes insteal of 60 odd minutes...that's all i want Sony! :sad:

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wait i a minute i know simple burner 2 does not alow burning in anything but lp2 lp4 but cant you burn sp to netmd via sonic stage....i mean ive been doing that for a freind on my computer and mp3s can burn in sp aswell as cds through sonic stage,

you can burn in any bitrate/mode of netmd in sonic stage, i know this for a fact.....unless im special smile.gif))))

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Highest quality modes via USB in decending order are (with units that support that mode)

PCM (Hi-MD) Best quality as its a bit for bit copy of the original

Hi-SP (Hi-MD)

LP2 (NetMD & Hi-MD)

Hi-LP (Hi-MD)

LP4 (NetMD & Hi-MD)

AT3+ @ 48K (Hi-MD)

SP on NetMD is fake as stated. It copies the CD into LP2 format, then transcodes the LP2 to SP, then puts the SP on the MD. Sounds ok but its just the same as taking a 64k MP3 and then turning it into a 256k MP3, the MP3 will report that its a 256k mp3 but will sound like a 64k MP3. (poor example but you get the idea).

Personally I would withdraw the Hi-MD from eBay and start to use it. Getting 120mins of Hi-SP on an MD disc is better than 80mins of SP which is (in all honesty) the same quality.

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Ok, on your recomendation i have withdrawn my NH600 from ebay! mellow.gif

But now what do i do with my N10, if im making the difficult switch to Hi-MD it's useless! Amazon (£148) won't take it back unless it's faulty!

I could lie....hmmmm :ninja:

I can't justify keeping a machine that just cost me £148 if it's just going back in it's box! (although it is loooooovely)

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You could keep the N10 & use it for those times when you need the flashness of a nice looking MD player.

Persoanlly however I would try to send it back as the NH600 will do everything that the N10 will do and more.

Or you could put it on Ebay with a copy of the receipt (leave off the price & any personal info) as an unwanted & new item, only opened to view.

Try sending an email to Amazon though. If your in the UK & its only been a few days then you do have a right to reject the goods without a reason even if not faulty, the catch is that the law says "Within a resonable time" which is not very clear. Send them an Email & see what they will do but remeber to be polite & helpful rather than ranting. It helps if you can package everything as new so that you cannot tell it has been opened (remember to blank the disc if you had one provided) then you may be able to return it as an un-opened gift.

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ohhhh ohhh ohhh!!!

I think i've made a discovery!

What happen's if i record a track onto the PC using Hi-SP (256kbps) then transfer it to the N10 using SP compatability mode! Will the PC just write the track at that sound quality but in SP format? or will it convert it down to LP2?

What do you think?


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Thank's for all your help guy's, but i've decided to keep the N10! rolleyes.gif

To me, sound quality is paramount so im going to keep doing what i've been doing for 7 year's and record in real time through the optical output of my CD player! :cool:

anyway, im quite happy having 1 album per MiniDisc as it keep's things nice and organised, also i wont be able to play back my new recording's on either of mine or my partner's car unit's or the jb940 in the living room if i kept the Hi-MD unit. :sad:

Perhap's i'll give Hi-MD another go in a couple of year's time when there are car and home deck's available! :grin:

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