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Loud CLICKS during tracks recorded to minidisc from CD

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I'm having an intermittant problem when I'm using SimpleBurner. Occassionally, with no predictable pattern, a track will be filled with loud clicks and distortions. The software looks like it has processed the track successfully. But these distortions show up during playback.

Anyone else having this problem.

It does not matter whether I use Hi-SP, Hi-LP, etc.

Thanks in advance.

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Reason one: The CD is scratched, warped and/or dirty.

Reason two: The CD is copyprotected. Some CDs install a driver file, that interferes with the ripping process.

Reason three: The CD is a CD-R copy and the blank used is of low quality. I have a few copies on BASF blanks and these are getting bad.

Reason four: Your CD-ROM drive is of lower quality and/or has buggy firmware.

Reason five: Background processes interfere with the ripping process by demanding high amounts of processing power for a short time.

If it happens only with a few CDs, I suggest using a different software for ripping and then importing the resulting wave files into SonicStage.

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This response is to jadeclaw:

#1: The CDs are new & clean.

#2: I couldn't say about this one. If this were true, I would have expected all files to be effected.

#3: The CDs are all originals.

#4: The CD-ROM is what came with my DELL Latitude CPi.

I've been using SimpleBurner exclusively simply because I haven't wanted to clutter my hard drive with music files. I'll try using SonicStage on the files that have the distortions.

To Latexxx:

Who the heck is "RHCP" or Andrew W.K."? However, no, I'm recording Murray Perahia playing the Bach Keyboard Concertos which will hardly overdrive my headphones. The clicks and distortions, however, do rattle my teeth.

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It sounds to me as though your CD drive is losing sync during rips.

SonicStage and Simple Burner [which both use the same libraries for ripping] do not use the most accurate ripping methods available, and thereby depend almost completely on the quality of your drive and the discs being copied.

I'm with Jadeclaw on this: try ripping using software that is relatively assured to make accurate copies, i.e. Exact Audio Copy [www.exactaudiocopy.de], then converting the resulting WAV files using SonicStage.

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Reason seven: You are in Dell-Hell... :grin:

Seriously, you can do two things: First, when you pull out the drawer od the CD-drive, if the lens is visible as well, you can clean it very carefully.

Second, in SonicStage under 'Tools' --> 'Options' then click on 'CD recording' then under 'CD reading settings' mark 'Use smoothing when reading the CD'.

In that case, SonicStage tries to correct reading errors, but of course, it takes longer.

Since I've never worked with SimpleBurner, I'm not sure, if it has this option as well.

If everything fails, using a different software for ripping might be advisable.

A ton of these can be found here:


Personally, I'm using CD-DA X-Tractor, which served me very well even with moderately scratched CDs ( http://xtractor.sourceforge.net/, others reported good experiences with Exact Audio Copy.

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I've had both Simple Burner [which I used only once and ditched because it can't do accurate rips] -and- SS have trouble doing rips.

Sony, as with many other companies [Microsoft, etc.] wrote their ripping module with speed in mind, not accuracy. Using the 'interpolation' option in SS does help some but there are a few CDs I've found in my collection that SS simply can't cope with because of what I view as flawed programming. EAC rips anything I throw at it [with the exception of totally bit-rotted CDs or those that are so scratched that you can't see through the substrate at all any more] perfectly without any complaints - and normally does so no slower than SS or SB, interestingly.

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For best results use the secure mode of copying (found under drive options) and make an image file (it says cue & image on the button).

When you have an image, use daemon tools to mount the image as a CD drive & SB to rip that to the minidisc.

As you are using an image and not a physical CD it does not suffer the same problems with keeping sync on the disc.

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