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Outputting to audio CD

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Welcome to the forums! :smile:

If your MiniDisc is a Hi-MD and if it's not audio you recorded yourself using a mic, then the only way to get it into your PC is to use a cable and connect it to the "Line Out" of your Hi-MD unit and then into the "Line In" of your PC soundcard and record in real time using Nero or similar.

If your MD is just a standard unit then the only way to get it into your PC is to use the cable method above.

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I've gotten the recordings into my PC just fine, but I want to record them to CDs. The software I have won't allow me to do that. How can I?

If there's no way, then I wasted several hundred dollars on my minidisc recorder, because I got it so I could record and put the recordings on CD. I have a friend who's done it, so there must be a way.

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Wouldn't you simply use a basic CD burner package? Most PCs come with some basic burner thing included. In fact I think Windows Media Player can burn CDs for you. I only use my CD drive for reading, not writing, so I can't confirm this, but it seems like a pretty easy process.


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