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Any different LOOKING hi-MD 1gig disks out there???

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Yeah it is pretty "cheap". The only reason I got it was because it was the first unit out and I couldn't wait to try the new format. It's the 600 so no inputs (besides usb). Other than the "cheap" feel it has worked fine for me, I have not had one problem with it and I abuse the hell out of it.

I have been more happy with this unit than I thought I would be. I figured by now I would have upgraded but since it has served me so well so far i am going to hold out for the next gen hi-md.

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I have the 600D as well. Unforuntately I have't had the time to dish out cash for another one, I'm just fine with one I have. Plus I have the RM-MC40ELK to go with it, so that really adds more of a tech design to it. So its like a budget player+high class remote I should say. I just wish I didn't have all of these earphone and remote wires everwyhere! >_<

I think Sony might release some new Hi-MDs next year to coorespond to the new generation units. I wouldn't mind seeing some clear color ones :laugh:

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Welcome to the forums, Sid.

Anyway, this first batch of Hi-MD discs are definitely not the last we'll see. Everything we're seeing now is first generation bait to see if the format will even be a worthwhile endeavor, and I can assume that the direction Hi-MD is going is satisfactory so evolution in this sense is inevitable. If any of the old timers from 1992 and the original MD format could look at us now, they'd proverbially slap us for complaining about "bland" one gigabyte discs; compared to the similar looking 60 minute discs they had - which cost about 2-4x more than Hi-MD discs! :happy:

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