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Skipping/Stopping Sony MZ-R700

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Hi Kurisu:

Thanks for replying.

I only use a couple when I run because the music on these few discs makes me more energetic. Anyway, most, if not all of these few discs skip or even totally stop at some point during my run.

I do have a few theories which I hope you could comment on.

First, and this is icky, some sweat may have seeped in my MD and this may have caused it to malfunction.

Second, the cover doesn't close as tightly as it should whenever there's an MD inside.

Third, which may be logical but improbable, is that some of the buttons may have been pressed while I'm running. But then again, I always run with the hold button enabled.

What do you think?

I love my MD such that I'm willing to buy another one, either for playing music or recording interviews. I'm a reporter you see, and I have more than once caught many dumb government officials on my MD saying stupid things. The MD indeed is a good insurance vs libel.

Sorry for this long reply.

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it only happens whilst running, right ? perhaps this helps:

i once had a sharp md-ms701, (one of the first ones which sharp made) that had a similar prob. (it had only 10 secs of shock memory, perhaps that´s why.. rolleyes.gif )

i always carried my md in my trousers pockets, and i found out, that the kind of movement that happened to the md while running (or even walking) like my leg moving etc. caused the sound to drop.

placing it instead at my chestpocket did solve the problem. i think it´s because in my trousers pocket it has "hopping" plus a constant change of ankle, at my chest, only the hopping was left, a much easier movement to handle...

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Maybe the optical block fell out of alignment. I had my Sharp SR60 do that to me once, but was able to fix it by entering service mode. The symptoms you describe sound very similar to what my player was going through. Unfortunately, it's not so easy with Sony players.

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Hmmm...now that youve brought that up, I guess that's a likely explanation as any. Problem is, aside from my unit being a Sony, I still have to successfully set this into service mode.

I've been trying to put MZ-R900 features into my MZ-R700 for the longest time. smile.gif

Fortunately, so far, it hasn't conked out on me while recording, which is the more important aspect of having this as an MD.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

My MZ-R700 has done that too, whenever I would carry it in my pocket while moving it would seem to skip a litte, then for a while it would skip even while it was not moving. That seems to have fixed itself, although I ended up getting a cheap MZ-R500 as a beater unit to use when I have to carry it in my pocket for lond periods of time.

Another thing about your volume button issue, I thought I was having a similar problem, but it turns out that the vol buttons are positioned in a way that you put a timy amount of pressure on the headpgone jack when you touch the button, assuming you use your right hand. Another very common problem with the R700 is the headphone jack gets messed up and a little pressure will cause to sound to cut out and distort. Cramming a 4-layer wedge of paper between the case and the jack fixed it for me, I don't know if it would work for you. Wiggle the jack around a bit to see if the sound changes at all. Good luck.

Not bad for a first post, eh?


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Guest tony wong

I've got new issues regarding the Mz-R700, fellow list members.

Nowadays, whenever I press the + or - volume button, the music is interrupted. Could this be a symptom of misalignment of the optical block, as pointed out earlier by Syrius?

If so, is there someone in Asia who can fix this?


ur remote control should be having problem

just try to find another compatible one from ur friends, maybe

so....even maybe u can try use it without remote control wink.gif

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Guest tony wong

The shock protection in the R700 should not be susceptible to these issues. How do I know? I owned one. :rasp:

r u really sure such G-protection can avoid ur music from skipping even for long time continuous vibration? rolleyes.gif

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