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hello all im new here. and new for md in general.

im thinking of buying the sony nh-800 and i wonder if u can help me.

1. what do u think of this model.

2.does it have a friendly interface. is it easy to operate.

3.do i have to use sonic stage? and simpel burner? .

thats all for now. i hope that u can help me. biggrin.gif

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hello and welcome to the mdcf smile.gif

the 800 is a good mid range model, its not quite higher class but not the lowest either

havnt heard much of its eas of use, i would believe it to be tollerably user freindly

and as for sonic stage and simple burner

yes and yes, those are the only software that burn to hi-md

hope this helps ya out

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I will forward you to this thread, and all of your questions should be answered.  Keep in mind that this is as of yet unorganized (ie in order) and not all of the questions answered.  This, however, is a good place to start.

There is also a semi-review of the NH700 I put in the reviews forum.

The only differences between the 700 and 800 are:

* The 800 has the VPT acoustic engine [for virtual surround &c., which apparently works very poorly and is a waste to have anyway]

* The 800 comes with the radio tuner remote

See here:


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hello all im new here. and new for md in general.

im thinking of buying the sony nh-800 and i wonder if u can help me.

1. what do u think of this model.

2.does it have a friendly interface. is it easy to operate.

3.do i have to use sonic stage? and simpel burner? .

thats all for now. i hope that u can help me.  biggrin.gif

I am an owner of a MZ-NHF800. And I am quite new to the whole concept of MD/Hi-MD. Here are some of my early reactions for my Hi-MD player, which was bought about a month ago:

1. The sound quality of the unit is excellent, much better than that of a MP3 player. I have tried to compare a CD track ripped into my brother's MP3 player vs my Hi-MD. MZ-NHF800 wins, hands down.

2&3. Interface is not very convenient. MD simple burner allows you to convert CD tracks onto your disc, and is very easy to use. But Sonicstage is a pain, even though it is not as bad as rumoured.

Uplodaing tracks recorded elsewhere onto the PC is a pain. It took me a LONG time to learn how to use it. The unit has no ability to record straight from the radio remote (I bought an optic cable, and can now record via my radio onto my MD, but it's clumsy). Live recordings can be uploaded only once using Sonicstage.

Having trashed my unit a fair bit, I must say I still really enjoy using it. It does most of the things that I want to do (though the process is indeed clumsy). The unit is not cheap, but I would choose it any day over a MP3 player even if it is cheaper.

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