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A Quick Question: Is 80 Mins Exactly 80 Mins?

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The reason for asking this is that I want to record a double album on SP quality on an 80 mins MD. The album in question is Pink Floyd's The Wall which has a duration of ca. 39:1* for the first disc and a bit less than 42 mins for the second making the total between 81 and 82 mins. So, before I spend another precious 1 hour 20 mins of my life recording this, I'd like to know if an 80 mins TDK is exactly 80 mins or could there be some extra space like VHS used to have?


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well, w/ precision editing eliminating any seconds of dead silence, you could do it in SP. an 80min blank is actually 80:59; in case you didnt know wink.gif

Yes, thanks. I actually didn't know it until I found Peter's site. Editing does not seem very tempting. Any way, I'm currently recording it. In about 49 mins you'll hear me swearing and yelling. wink.gif

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Try to record it in one take (well two) - ie. without pressing stop after every track to do titling or whatever... You lose 2 seconds in SP mode whenever stop is pressed, which in your case could be crucial...

That's what I did. And........ at 9 secs remaining "Disc Full". Crap. Not the end of the world but annoying for any anal retentive geek like me. wink.gif

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What a shame... sometimes there's a second or two of silence at the end of a track. If you press the forward button on your CD player at those points (if any) you might be able to gain 9 secs overall...

Of course this is where decks really shine - you can fade in/out tracks early as well as other handy editing functions. I don't suppose you have a deck handy though... Maybe you can simulate fade out by using the manual rec level...

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