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Comparing Notes With Other Nh1 Owner On Bugs

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Happy Hopping

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First of all, this is a different topic than the other one that I replied to pertaining to a bug in shuffle play.

Using the unit 2 times out of 2, when I was playing the unit without any Group, on old MD discs, it STOPPED after a no. of songs was played.

Each discs has about 18 songs (they were recorded in SP mode on an older MZ-R3 unit). The unit was sitting horizontally on the table, there is virtually no movement, I was not running or walking.

After a no. of songs were played, say approx. 9 songs or so, the NH1 unit was trying to move to another song, that song title then blinks for a few times, but it never begin to play that song, rather, it just stopped after it blinks the song title for a few times.

Then the unit turned it self off.

The first time this happens, I thought the entire 18 songs were done, that the random play was completed, although I was quite sure it hasn't completed all 18 songs.

Last night, same thing, clearly all the songs are not randomly played yet, and it just stopped.

So all I did is to press the play button and the unit continues to play under random mode.

Needless to say, the unit should not stopped.

Is there other NH1 owners having the same issue? I sense it is not a defective unit, rather, a bug in NH1 random play.

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I have similar problems.

(See post "Transfer Interruptions Nh1 With Sonicstage 2.3, Play juttery & labelling of tracks very slow")

Installed Sonicstage 2.3 on work PC, the juttery play not a problem on this machine.

But I still have tracks that SS2.3 refuses to play.

It just pauses for a long while (some kind of timeout) and then just skips to the next track?

Very annoying - is it hardware or software? Wish I knew another NH1 owner to try and swap players.

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Well, I wasn't using SS 2.3. I was just sitting down playing the unit via battery.

But I can sense it is not my NH1 unit that has some sort of defect. I was very sure it is a bug that causes it.

I think the bug occur because it thinks it has finished playing all songs in random, and that was the last song. But in fact, it is only 1/2 or 2/3 way thru the list.

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My unit doesn't stop playing, but when I put it on "Random Shuffle" it will play tracks like this:

1,2,4,8,16,32,64.. and so on, and then when it runs out of numbers ot starts from the begging again!

If I turn my MZ-NH1 off, and then turn it back on again, it will most likely start from the beginning of the disc again.

The annoying thing is, that out of my 200 songs on my disc, through listening to an hour of Random Play, I will probably some about 30% of the songs played, twice! This is extremely annoying.

Any other Nh1 owners get his problem?

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  MZ-NH1 said:
My unit doesn't stop playing, but when I put it on "Random Shuffle" it will play tracks like this:

1,2,4,8,16,32,64.. and so on, and then when it runs out of numbers ot starts from the begging again!

If I turn my MZ-NH1 off, and then turn it back on again, it will most likely start from the beginning of the disc again.

The annoying thing is, that out of my 200 songs on my disc, through listening to an hour of Random Play, I will probably some about 30% of the songs played, twice!  This is extremely annoying.

Any other Nh1 owners get his problem?

I read somewhere that that's just the way sony programmed its "random" setting (so everyone has that problem). Go figure. They spend tonnes of money to make the player and disc, and pay no attention to the software and batteries.

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