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Flashing "r" On Mz-rh10 Display

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During playback of tracks of my music practice, I decided to delete the first track. Thereafter, I noted a flashing "R" in the display just to the right of the battery charge symbol. When I turned the machine off, it paused and gave me the "writing data" message. When I turned the machine back on, the flashing "R" was gone.

Funny thing is that I can't find mention of this in the manual. The R is not pictured anywhere in the manual. Obviously, it appeared because of the edit.

Anyone know what it means?

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I believe what you are seeing is:

when you make an edit, record, deletion, ,or anything to edit a disc, ,it doesnt complete the process. it stores {table of contents} data into its internal memory until you are done editing, ie shutting the unit down. then will it write the toc data. the reason for why it does this is so you can edit stuff much quicker. like, when you move a track, it takes like a split second. but really, it just memorizes it until you shuut it down. then it saves it. th eflashing R you see is most likely telling you that it still has stuff to save to the disc. So, as long as your batteries dont die on your before it gets to do this, youre good. biggrin.gif

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Thanks TS - I too was puzzled by the flashing 'R'.

Now I can ignore it...unless anyone knows different. biggrin.gif

If you're ever making alot of edits to files you record I wouldn't ignore it. Stopping between edits will ensure they're committed to disc before you move on to the next edit. It's probably a safer way of doing things than batching a whole bunch of edits then committing them.

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