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Can't Figure Out Sonicstage

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i bought an old Sharp IM-MT899 (880 in US i think), it's seems wonderful.. Unfortuantely, it's NetMD-compatible, and that means i have to use Sony's software which, as we all know, suck ass so bad that I don't even know what to say..

Anyways.. I can't figure out how to sort the tracks in "My Library" by filename, or artist, or artist AND song name..

First thing's first.. How do you sort the songs by filename? Suppose i have an album in Mp3-format, the album is located in a folder where each song is named with the track number in the beginning. This is great for playing the songs in order in winamp etc. Now, how do you make SonicStage sort the songs by the filenames, and thus, in the right order. When i try to transfer them to my Sharp player, they get mixed and is placed in the wrong order on the MD..

From what i can tell, sonicstage uses the ID3 info, but can Sony really be that STUPID that they don't even give you an option of using the file names? What if i don't have any ID3 info? And also, the ID3 info doesn't help, because it doesn't say the track number (at least SonicStage don't use the track number info from the ID3). So, i'm left with sorting songs using song names, but songs on an album aren't sorted by song names, at least very rarely..

Is the only option to transfer one song at a time, in the right order?

SonicStage sucks.. They must have worked hard to get it to suck so much..

EDIT: I'm talking about sonicstage 3.1 :EDIT

EDIT2: Ok, i noticed it could use the track number info from the ID3 tag, but that just makes all track 1's, 2's, 3's and so on from different albums come together :EDIT2

Edited by Clytn
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i bought an old Sharp IM-MT899 (880 in US i think), it's seems wonderful.. Unfortuantely, it's NetMD-compatible, and that means i have to use Sony's software which, as we all know, suck ass so bad that I don't even know what to say..

Anyways.. I can't figure out how to sort the tracks in "My Library" by filename, or artist, or artist AND song name..

First thing's first.. How do you sort the songs by filename? Suppose i have an album in Mp3-format, the album is located in a folder where each song is named with the track number in the beginning. This is great for playing the songs in order in winamp etc. Now, how do you make SonicStage sort the songs by the filenames, and thus, in the right order. When i try to transfer them to my Sharp player, they get mixed and is placed in the wrong order on the MD..

From what i can tell, sonicstage uses the ID3 info, but can Sony really be that STUPID that they don't even give you an option of using the file names? What if i don't have any ID3 info? And also, the ID3 info doesn't help, because it doesn't say the track number (at least SonicStage don't use the track number info from the ID3). So, i'm left with sorting songs using song names, but songs on an album aren't sorted by song names, at least very rarely..

Is the only option to transfer one song at a time, in the right order?

SonicStage sucks.. They must have worked hard to get it to suck so much..

EDIT: I'm talking about sonicstage 3.1 :EDIT

EDIT2: Ok, i noticed it could use the track number info from the ID3 tag, but that just makes all track 1's, 2's, 3's and so on from different albums come together :EDIT2


I used this to do batch ID3 conversions. Yes, SS sucks.

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